PLEASE SIGN AND SUPPORT OUR PETITION TO HAVE THESE MIA REMAINS RECOVERED NOW AND STOP THE LOOTING!! “GRADO. At nearly seventy years since its sinking off the coast of Grado, the wreck of the American Consolidated B24 Liberator bomber begins to return the remains of the crew. Yesterday morning Giuliano Felluga , underwater volunteer coordinator of the Civil Protection Grade , in the course of a dive planned as part of the management activities of the Association Tursub diving , found a fragment of skull , almost certainly belonged to one of the men crew of the bomber , which to date has not yet been officially identified . “We were doing a dive on the wreck to the program – tells Felluga , who has immersed himself countless times on what remains of the plane – when we decided to make a reconnaissance in the vicinity .” “About twenty feet from the rear of the unit – continued Felluga – sticking out of the sand skull fragment , we have collected and freshly ground the police have been informed .” It is the first time that the bomber wreck , lying at 15 meters depth and of which there remain only the wings and part of the cockpit , return human remains. Rushing into the sea the plane broke in two , the back has never been found (most likely was picked up in the fifties by an enterprise of recoveries) , while the front , discovered in 1987 , has been repeatedly plundered by the damaged by divers and dredges fishing . Goal of continuing the underwater , just last week the wreck of the B24 has been at the heart of the Festival Lagunamovies titled “Missing in action . The flight of B24 broken ” , during which a tribute was placed underwater two flags, Italian and American . On that occasion, the historian Alfredo Furlan made the point about the state of the research : ” The plane – says Furlan – has not yet been identified, but according to the latest research should be a unit of the 449th Bomb Group shot down February 28 1945 ‘. Do you know your ” nickname ,” says Furlan , that is the nickname that each crew gave to their aircraft , “but we know that he was assigned to the 716th Bomb Squadron , stationed at the airport at Grottaglie Taranto .” The B24 was hit by flak during a raid over the skies of Bressanone, but managed to get to the Gulf of Trieste trying desperately ditching . Her crew consisted of the pilot Howard Hanson, the co-pilot Edward H. Betz , Clarence L. Dragoo the navigator , the navigator Richard M. Horwitz, the pointer Jarrell E. German, the radio operator Lawrence F. Nally , help radio operator Thomas M. McGraw, the engineer Lawrence W. Brady, the help engineer Adolph Turpin , the gunner and assistant gunner Albert Acampora James S. Cox. None of the eleven crew members survived the slaughter , only the bodies of four of them ( Turpin , German , Betz and Cox) were found between Chioggia and Grado , while the other seven , Hanson, Dragoo , Horwitz, Nally , McGraw, Acampora and Brady are still considered Missing in action , that is missing. Almost certainly found the skull belongs to one of them , provided that it is actually bomber shot down in February 1945 . After 8 September 1943, with the Nazi occupation of northern Italy , the Allies intensified air raids also on Friuli Venezia Giulia. The devices took off from bases in Puglia to achieve goals such as Campoformido , Villaorba , Aviano , Lavariano , Maniago and others. On several occasions over the skies of the region fierce battles raged air . Bombers and fell several waters of the Northern Adriatic : a partial list drawn up on the basis of the Missing Air Crew Reports, indicates at least 25 aircraft of the type B24 only lost in the Adriatic between 1944 and 1945. Some of it was learned the fate of others do not. Some crews were saved , others do not. Now the discovery of the skull most likely will , on the basis of DNA analysis , to establish the identity of ‘man and then the plane. Moreover, the Defense Pow / Missing Personel Office ( DPMO ) of the Department of Defense of the United States , is already working for some time to recover the bodies of the crew of another bomber B24 of the 449th Bomb Group , nicknamed Dumbo II , crashed in flames in the lagoon of Grado, on the island of Morgo , January 30, 1944 . A few weeks ago due to the interest of the 449th Bombardment Group Association, an association that brings together veterans and relatives of crew training, inziato is the removal of the DNA to the next of kin of the disappeared , in view of a comparison if it were found the remains of the men of B24 fell to Morgo .”
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 17:24:09 +0000

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