PLEASE SIGN... SHARE... MAKE THIS VIRAL... FAMILY IS THE NATURAL AND FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF SOCIETY... MARRIAGE BETWEEN ONE MAN AND ONE WOMAN IS THE BEST STRUCTURE FOR CHILDREN... DEFEND THE PERSONHOOD OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION... HUMAN DIGNITY SHALL BE INVIOLABLE FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION... EVERYONE HAS THE INHERENT RIGHT TO LIFE FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEPTION TO NATURAL DEATH... Mr. Zoltan Balog, the Hungarian Minister for Human Capacities, told participants that family is the most important national resource of Hungary.” He said that the Hungarian constitution is committed to marriage between one man and one woman, since it is the best structure for children. Mr. Balog also told the Summit that Hungary is working to defend the personhood of all human beings, from the moment of conception. He quoted from the new Hungarian constitution, which says: Human dignity shall be inviolable. The fetus shall be protected from the moment of conception. This was a major international victory, as we were able to join Hungary in bringing together so many policy-makers who support family and life! It was a breath-taking success! More than 60 parliamentarians from 20 countries in Africa, South America, North America, and Europe came together to sign the Declaration on the Rights of the Family, which affirms that “family is the natural and fundamental unit of society” and that everyone has the inherent right to life, commencing from the moment of conception until natural death.” Hungarys support for marriage and personhood was vital! In fact, they delivered the Declaration to the U.N. Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon! Will you join CitizenGO in extending a warm thanks to the Hungarian Mission to the United Nations? Their stand for the family deserves to be recognized. Sign the petition to send a thank you to their Ambassador to the U.N., Minister Balog, and the Hungarian Secretary of State.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 03:32:43 +0000

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