PLEASE SIGN & SHARE WIDELY THESE ➨12☚PETITIONS ►PET.1 ►PET.2 ►PET.3 ►PET.4 ►PET.5 ►PET.6 ►PET.7 ►PET.8 ►PET.9 ►PET.10 (*For Non US resident) ►PET.11*For US resident only) ►PET.12 (*For Canadian resident only) ➨MORE ACTIONS AND AUTO-EMAILS BY CLICKING HERE : ►► ✦ABOUT THE VIDEO:CANADAS DISGUSTING-CRIME!THE BIG SHAME OF CANADA! -Each year, the Canadian government gives hunters the green light to bludgeon to death hundreds of thousands of baby harp seals.on the most barbaric way! During the slaughter, baby seals are shot or repeatedly clubbed. Sealers bludgeon the animals with clubs and “hakapiks” (metal-hook–tipped clubs) and drag the seals—who are often still conscious—across the ice floes with boat hooks.They are impaled on hooks, dragged across the ice and cut open—and their pelts are often stockpiled in a warehouse!if you thought that only in China this can are wrong! ◕Hunters toss dead and dying seals into heaps and leave their carcasses to rot on the ice floes because there is no market for seal meat. Veterinarians who have investigated the slaughter have found that hunters routinely fail to comply with Canada’s animal welfare standards. ◕The Christian Science Monitor wrote: “The few terrified survivors, left to crawl through the carnage. The shouted obscenities and threats from the sealers, gunfire cracking ominously in the distance. The pitiful cries of the pups; the repellent thuds of clubs raining down on soft skulls. Sealers’ laughter echoing across the ice floes.” ◕Many seals who are killed are 3 months old or younger. Many have not yet learned how to swim or eaten their first solid meals. ◕The sealing industry claims that it is killing more seals because of an increased demand for fur. Although the U.S. banned the sale of seal fur in 1972, anyone wearing the fur of minks, rabbits, foxes, or any other kind of animal is responsible for creating a demand for fur, which pushes Canadian hunters to club more seals each year. ◕In 2009, the European Union voted to end the sale of seal products, and the U.S. Senate unanimously passed U.S. Senate Resolution 84, calling for an immediate end to the annual seal slaughter..But Canada continues to make the politic of a deaf! ◕◕Watch also this Vip video from HSUS: ► ◕◕Get the facts here: ► ◕◕A similar footage is to see here: ► ✦✦MORE INFOS HERE: ▬► Thank you ~ Tony Zadel
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 05:29:04 +0000

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