PLEASE SIGN & SHARE WIDELY THESE ➨3 PETITIONS ►PET.1 ►PET.2 ►PET.3 THIS VIDEO IS A FULL FOOTAGE ABOUT WHATS GOING ON BEHIND THE CLOSED DOORS !On the World Circus Day VITA(Russian animal rights organization) has released new shocking footage from their undercover investigation of the Big St. Petersburg State Circus publishes investigation Behind the scenes of the circus 2012-2013 We urge you to prevent this trainer to exercise this profession and to punish him for acts of abuse.The trainer MURAD ABDULLAEV must be punished for animal cruelty and banned from practicing this entertainment !about the petition:Artist of Russia MURAD ABDULLAEV was filmed abusing animals in the Moscow Circus. The most terrible is not even blows, as painful to see. The most terrible is the eye look of those poor animals .. and the ►►BROKEN FINGERS due to the violent blows he has received from that scumbag !!!!! See the picture here ➨:redhotrussia/wp-content/up... Recently, the video came out thanks to a Girl-volunteer from VITA she got a job in the circus as a animal cleaner and she put there a hidden camera...! please watch also (part.2) short footage with the monkey HERE:▬►https://facebook/photo.php?v=... The video shows Murad Abdullaev and Natalia Berezhko brutally beating small monkeys with their hands and metal poles, Peter Prostetsova beating a poodle with a chain, Rauf Rasulova beating and abusing a kangaroo, who ended up dying some time later, and Alex Yermylov beating an African ostrich with his hands, feet and a whip ! The undercover investigator said:Walking around the premises of the circus, I constantly heard the sound of slaps, hits, screams, groans and shrieks of animals in pain. To confirm these facts,I installed a surveillance camera which recorded everything that happened in that closed room.The camera captured numerous scenes of monkey beatings by trainer Murad Abdullaev and his assistant Natalie Berezhko. The beatings lasted for hours. They beat the animals with metal poles on their heads, bodies and backs. They repeatedly grabbed them by their scruff and throw them to a chair, a table, through the floor. You could hear the screams. They were held by their tails and batted in the air.➨ watch the picture of the Kangaroo here: ► On one of the videos, Berezhko is seen checking the monkey for fractures and bruises after a terrible beating the day before. I watched as injured animals with broken fingers still went through trainings. Many animals, such as bears, are kept in tiny cages, where they showed clear signs of zoochosis, extreme psychological stress in animals. I also witnessed the brutal beating trainer Rauf Rasulova gave a kangaroo with a whip. The kangaroo was kept in a tiny aviary. The team led by Rauf Rasulova, especially Alex Yermylov, also beat an African ostrich during trainings with whips and their hands and feet. The ostriches were also kept in a tiny aviary and showed severe stress. ➨ PLEASE WATCH the picture here: ► ➨ BACKGROUND The worst thing is not even beating, although its hard to watch. The worst thing ... the eyes of these animals and a monkey in a cage stroking his broken fingers..!!PLEASE WATCH the picture here:➨ While some countries impose bans on using wild animals in circuses, this kind of entertainment is flourishing in Russia. In these cages the animals spend their free time -- when they are not involved in rehearsals or shows -- which is approximately 23 hours a day. The animals performance can take up to 15 minutes and approximately 30 minutes prior to it they are taken out for a short walk. ➨Please Notice how the cats and the monkeys and the bears are held in cages watch the pictures here: ►► AND HERE:►► Most of their lives these circus monkeys will spend stuffed into such cages..!! Picture of the caged bear here ►
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:30:45 +0000

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