PLEASE SIGN & SHARE WIDELY THIS VIP AND URGENT PETITION ▬► ✦✦THROWN-DROPPED-SCALDED TO DEATH AND GROUND UP ALIVE!! ✦ABOUT THE VIDEO: New hidden-camera video taken by a Mercy For Animals Canada investigator exposes horrific cruelty to baby chicks at a Maple Leaf chicken hatchery. Workers fling birds by their fragile wings, slam them into metal dividers, drown them in scalding hot industrial washing machines, and roughly cram chicks into a macerator machine to be ground up alive ◕These are the shocking abuses of baby chicks I documented while working undercover for Mercy For Animals Canada at a Maple Leaf chicken hatchery in Ontario. ◕At Maple Leaf, the investigator saw baby birds flung by their fragile wings and slammed into metal dividers; live chicks sent through an industrial washing machine, scalded, and drowned; and chicks overloaded and roughly crammed into macerators to be ground up alive. Treated like mere meat-producing machines, these sensitive and intelligent animals were subjected to horrors few of us can even imagine. ✦✦THIS HAS GOT TO STOP IMMEDIATELY! ◕Please join this action in calling on Maple Leaf Foods to immediately establish meaningful animal welfare guidelines for its hatcheries and factory farm facilities, including: • Preventing baby chicks from being dropped, thrown, crushed, or otherwise mishandled and injured by workers or machinery • Creating a zero-tolerance policy for scalding live birds in industrial washing machines • Requiring the installation of video monitoring systems, live-streamed to the internet, in all its facilities in order to help prevent abuse ◕Chicks are every bit as capable of experiencing pain and suffering as dogs and cats. As a civilized society, its our moral obligation to protect all animals, including chickens, from needless cruelty and violence. ◕Maple Leaf was responsive to our last petition. Last month, MFA Canada exposed horrific abuse at Maple Leafs turkey supplier, Hybrid Turkeys. Maple Leaf said they were “disturbed” by our footage and would start conducting unannounced audits at Hybrids facilities. This time though, the cruelty is happening at their own facility. ◕Please sign and share widely this URGENT petition asking Maple Leaf to do the right thing.and to stop this inhuman barbarism! READ MORE HERE:➨ ✦✦PLEASE TAKE ALSO ACTION ON THIS HUGE CRUELTY MADE AT THE LARGEST TURKEY FARM IN CANADA HERE▬► Thank you~~ Tony Zadel
Posted on: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 12:07:53 +0000

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