PLEASE SIGN & SHARE WIDELY THIS VIP PETITION! ▬► Chick-fil-A supplier accused of animal abuse after being caught on camera kicking, throwing and burning alive its chickens!! ★-MFAS (Mercy For Animals)Undercover investigation taken in Koch Foods slaughterhouse!The investigators documented: ★- Birds being tossed violently and then slung onto a conveyor belt! ★-They are dragged through electrified water but many remain conscious! ★-Birds have throats slit, but some remain alive when scolded with water! ★-Baby birds crammed by the tens of thousands into giant, windowless sheds, with sick, injured, and crippled birds left to suffer without proper veterinary care.. ★-Workers carelessly grabbing birds by the legs, wings, and necks and then violently slamming them into transport crates.. ★-Chickens having their fragile wings and legs broken as workers hastily and violently shackle them upside down.. ★-Frightened birds dragged through an electrified vat of water, causing painful shocks but leaving them fully conscious!! ★-Birds having their throats, wings, and chests sliced open while still conscious and able to feel pain.. ✦✦►Koch Foods has claimed the video is inaccurate and out of context.. ◕As shocking as these abuses are, they are not uncommon. There are no federal laws to protect chickens during their lives on factory farms, and most states specifically exclude chickens from protection against most forms of abuse. Even though chickens make up over 95 percent of the animals who are slaughtered every year, they are not protected by the federal Humane Methods of Slaughter Act. ◕All of this means that Chick-fil-A suppliers are able to routinely get away with torturing chickens in ways that shock and horrify most people. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates that as many as a million chickens are scalded alive at slaughterhouses each year in the United States. A slaughterhouse could be shut down if even one cow or pig were scalded alive, but Chick-fil-A suppliers can inflict this gruesome death on countless chickens each and every day. ✦But we can help put a stop to this disgusting animal abuse! Please sign & share massively this Vip petition! thank you Read more:…/Chick-fil-supplier-accused-ani…
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 01:15:54 +0000

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