PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION! Once upon a time, terrorists had to - TopicsExpress


PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION! Once upon a time, terrorists had to hide from the forces of the free world and filch their living on the sly. That’s changing, thanks to long-running efforts by the United Nations, bankrolled most prominently by the U.S. In the current violence of Gaza, we are seeing the fruition of one of the most bizarre creations of modern diplomacy: a UN-supported welfare enclave for terrorists. Behind this lies a straightforward equation. Gaza, with its 1.5 million people, runs almost entirely on international handouts. The UN ranks it among the top per-capita aid recipients on the planet. And following the Israeli withdrawal in 2005, the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hamas began consolidating power in Gaza–first via elections in 2006, then via a bloody battle in June 2007, in which Hamas drove out the rival Palestinian group Fatah and seized all power in the enclave. Since then, Hamas has been running Gaza as a territory reduced to basically two industries: aid and terrorism. Here is A message my friend, Ronit just received from UNRWA after signing: Thank you for signing my petition: US Congress: We call on the US congress to stop funding to UNRWA! Every single person who joins strengthens our call for action. Send the email below to friends and family, and post this link on your Facebook wall: Lets make change together, Ronit --- Heres the petition for forwarding to your friends: US Congress: We call on the US congress to stop funding to UNRWA UNRWA is The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees established in 1948 to provide relief and humanitarian aid to the 652,000 Arab refugees from the 1948 Arab Israeli war. The UN has extended UNRWAs mandate until 2017, and today it serves 5,000,000 Palestinian refugees. UNRWA receives funding from the UN and from donations of member states, and has an annual budget of over $1.93 billion and over 25,000 workers making it the largest UN agency. Sixty-six years, billions of dollars and seemingly endless resources later one would expect the refugee issues to be resolved or at least diminished; however, refugees have increased almost tenfold in number, Palestinians are no closer towards state building and the radicalization of the population directly as a result of UNRWA policy and action has never been worse. Instead of settling refugees in permanent housing, building infrastructure and jobs, encouraging moderate education and promoting a healthy Palestinian society, UNRWA has promotes continued Palestinian dependency on international funds, an agenda of victimization for Palestinian society and most repugnantly, consistently stokes the flames of incitement and hate through their anti-Semitic school curricula which has indoctrinated generations of children into hatred and violence against Israel. UNRWA has become a terrorist support organization with proven ties to terror groups including Hamas. No semblance of a human rights organization remains. Yet our tax dollars continue to pour billions of dollars into this bottomless pit of an agency with no oversight and no accountability. We urge Congress to withhold all future funding for UNWRA because they are not aiding in the goals of human rights, independence and resolution of the refugee situation. They are inciting hatred and terror and have been a detriment to the Palestinians, and any future peace. forbes/…/gaza-hamas-unrwa-oped-cx_cr_0108ros… commentarymagazine/…/unrwas-terrorist-conne…/ jpost/…/Do-UNRWA-schools-encourage-terror-ag… cfnepr/205640/Terrorism-and-UNRWA-1 algemeiner/…/new-scandal-envelops-unrwa-as-…/ americanthinker/…/unrwa_turning_children_int……/US_Congress_We_call_on_the_US_cong…/…
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 01:03:44 +0000

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