PLEASE STOP TORTURING, TORMENTING OR SUBJECTING RAILA ODINGA TO THIS MUCH PAIN BECAUSE OF LEADERSHIP, POLITICS, SUCCESSION OR WHATEVER IT IS THAT IS IN YOUR MIND. MOI TORTURED HIM ENOUGH! >>>That said, instead of rushing to Karen with big gadgets, I expect the CID Director Ndegwa Muhoro to by now have secured CCTV footages of all the places Fidel Castro is said to have visited last night, secured online communications including emails, telecommunications including Safaricom and Airtel data records and conducted interviews with persons Fidel Castro may have had contact with in the past 48 hours. Guarding evidences (if any) in Karen or protecting the home is just an order away from him. He does not need to camp there unless he went to console with Raila Odinga. I expect him to put UBBU outfit to sharp focus not only because of this death but because of other questionable occurrences that have happened in Nairobi and elsewhere. I want the government through him (Muhoro) to publicly disown or embrace UBBU and let Kenyans know who they are, who pays them and why they and other units roam around the streets and online terrorizing the people unquestioned! Kenyans want answers to Fidel Castros death and they need it NOW. Back to my subject:- I guess we, the proponents of impunity and status quo will not let Raila Odinga be, will we? We have told him to drop his calls for ECONOMIC FREEDOM, POLITICAL DEMOCRACY, SOCIAL LIBERTY etc under OKOA KENYA banner and that he should leave Kenyans to languish in the yokes of dictatorship or drown in the raging waters of tribalism and economic sabotage but he has not listened to us. We have used the usable Luos of his tribe to create alternative powers within his political bedrock to weaken him or force him to retire from politics so that development can (finally) go to Nyanza but this has not worked too. We shook him the other day by killing one of his key political loyalists but still, he has kept his head above the waters saying he is doing that on behalf of the people of Kenya. In the wake of the draconian Bad New Laws, he promised that he is ready to die for Kenya than see the terror law oppress another Kenyan. Let us now strike him at the core. Fair enough, let us hit him at the epicenter. Let us bring death to his family...may be this can slow him down or have him say its enough and lift both of his two hands up in surrender! TAKE HEART JAKOM. TAKE HEART TINGA. TAKE HEART BABA! MAY OUR GOOD LORD GOD WHO SEES THE UNSEEN GIVE YOU STRENGTH. MAY HE COMFORT YOU, MAMA IDA AND FAMILY! IT IS TERRIBLE TO LOOSE A FIRST BORN WHO WAS NOT EVEN SICK! IT IS TERRIBLE TO BURY A CHILD THAT SHOULD BE BURYING YOU. TAKE HEART! Raila, I feel guilty as charged if this happened because of your fight for me. Nisamehe! RIP MY FRIEND FIDEL CASTRO ODINGA - SAD THAT WE WILL NOT MEET AGAIN AT MOMBASA RAILWAY CLUB!
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:15:45 +0000

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