PLEASE TAKE 1 MIN AND READ! Why do we do it! We love are kids but - TopicsExpress


PLEASE TAKE 1 MIN AND READ! Why do we do it! We love are kids but we forget that as a parent our job is also to provide the best nutrition to our kids, we give them cakes, candies fried foods, red meat artificial ingredients and chemicals THAT ARE BANNED in other countries , the govt.doesnt care because everything revolves around money and keeping the economy up the FDA is short handed and pass foods and meds knowing they have a percentage of TOXINS and even LIFE threatning side effects but they say its in a certain range so our livers will rid it. But what happens after years of these toxic foods? We get toxic build up and suddenly our gall bladders need removal and our livers are fatty and not functioning well CANCERS begin to form because the toxic overload, cells change! And what the HELL u think happens to our little ones with much smaller livers and kidneys and digestive system , it SICKENS them slowly some faster is why CHILDHOOD CANCERS are so high, kids with DIABETES wtf is it gonna take for us to wake up and EDUCATE ourselves and not depend on these western medicine doctors and live off pill that kill us and never get to the ROOT of the problem. Are you gonna wait and risk it being Your child BE smart GOD has given us knowledge and a host of plants and herbs that are far more effective then synthetic meds . Find a natural holistic doctor there awesome and are licensed professionals also, dont forget where medicine started right here from the earth our natural bodies need help we are living less years and getting sick far too soon think why! Take care of your BABIES and give them a chance at a happy and healthy childhood and future they deserve our full help even if it seems extreme! I went through it doctors messed me up with steroids and antibiotics that killed my intestinal flora and caused a host of other issues! God bless your little ones! And DO your research God gave us brains to learn dont ever let a doctor make you feel your not capable!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 20:55:49 +0000

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