PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES TO READ THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AND WATCH VIDEO>> THE INFORMATION BEING SHARED HERE IS VERY IMPORTANT AND WILL IMPACT YOUR LIFE EITHER WAY! First Confirmed case of Ebola in Dallas!!!! I guess if you believe that the corporate US government, their stooge, controlled media and CDC (who btw, owns the patent on Ebola), ever tells the truth, then I guess you might be foolish enough to believe in this Ebola story. All my research on the government etc leads me believe they just want to scare the crap out of everybody into getting vaccinated, and possibly RFID chipped so they can tell who is sufficiently mind-controlled and compliant enough to enable them to carry out their agenda. Meanwhile everyone will be all happy they arent dying from Ebola because they got vaccinated but will probably be dying of some form of cancer or other neurological disease in 5 or 10 years because they got vaccinated with an untested, most likely highly tainted and toxic vaccine. And if you do happen to survive the vaccine youll be so far in debt with medical expenses that the next five generations of your family wont even be able to pay it off. And all this is being prepared especially for you with care by the Feds, the CDC and its globalist subsidiarys. Please, Take a step back and really think this through. When was the last time your government and their mainstream propaganda news outlets actually told you the truth about anything? The latest ISIS beheadings? No, proven hoaxes carried out by a group of thugs organized and funded by the US, Great Britain, Israel and Saudi Arabia, and their Petro-dollar pyramid scheme scam. Its the same group that brought you Al Qeada and 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings, the OKC bombings and the Siege at Waco. Oh wait, Sandy Hook? Boston bombing? The Aurora theater massacre? No No and No!, ALL proven to be hoaxes. The JFK assassination? Nope. Just another covert CIA psyop. The Gulf of Tonkin incident that took us in to the Vietnam war? NO!!! A false flag used as a pretext for war. The burning of the Reichstag building to start WWII? Again NOOO!!! Another false flag pretext for war. Sounding familiar, like 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq? And these are just the tip of the iceberg of all the evil they have done to the world in the past century. For those of you who havent taken the time to go back and research and review any of these events and the mounds of evidence that piles up as high as the sky that proves our government was completely infiltrated by a cabal of elite globalists who on Dec.23 1913 created the Federal Reserve and began stealing this nations wealth, who do not have the United States and her peoples best interests in their hearts, and who are bent on owning the world at everyone elses expense and who do nothing but lie lie lie about everything, I suggest you do. Personally Id rather die from ebola than live in the post-apocalyptic world created by them should they actually unleash this Frankenstein virus on humanity. If you dont understand that we are all living in a debt-slave matrix of control, and you dont wake up soon to this fact, put on your big people pants, and get to work to take down this evil cabal then it wont be long before its crystal clear to everyone that its just too little too late. So please start researching all of this now because they are working diligently to take away internet freedom and Net Neutrality at this very moment, and all this information could be gone in the blink of an eye, and then back to the dark ages we go. Right now we have one of the greatest opportunities to really take humanity and the world to the next level of love and light, and really create a free and open society based on truth and Love. But not if you just sit there and call me full of bullshit and then turn around believe everything they say. If you havent done any research on any of what Ive spoken about here then dont get up on here and call me crazy. Dont be driven by fear. Knowledge is power. Rise up against this evil with Love. End the wars, end the violence, end the cabal.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 04:07:55 +0000

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