PLEASE TAKE THE TIME...... God thought of us in eternity past, - TopicsExpress


PLEASE TAKE THE TIME...... God thought of us in eternity past, long before the creation of the world He made for us.......He formed us in the womb in great awe He wonderfully made each and every one of us..... In Ephesians 1:3 we find the word "blessed" --- in Greek it is eulogetos -- and it reads.... "blessed be God" ----- the translation would be better rendered --- "Speak well of God" ---- the word Eulogetos is where we get the idea of a eulogy -- someone speaking well of another ----- It reveals a great truth as the passage proceeds to inform us that "God and Father of Jesus Christ has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heaven in Christ"....... none greater than found in verse 4 ---- "God has chosen us in Him {Christ}.. before the foundation of the world" ..... here it is..... "that we should be holy and without blame"....... what a lousy translation the King James is on this verse ........ should be? ---- better translated because of the present tense of the verb and the infinitive mood and the active voice of Greek grammar -- "God has chosen us already in Christ before the foundation of the world and performed the action {active voice} of making us continuously {infinitive}.... Holy now and without blame before God in Love"
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 22:46:09 +0000

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