PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS DEVOTION AND YOU WILL BE BLESSED. LEGO LIVING Consider the words of the Apostle Paul in Galatians 2:17-18... But if, while we seek to be justified by Christ, we ourselves also are found sinners, is therefore Christ the minister of sin? God forbid. For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. - Galatians 2:17-18 In the context, Paul was talking about how the old system of justification that the Jews relied on was defunct. The ceremonial laws could not and cannot save anyone. There is only one way and that is Jesus Christ. Yet, there were people encouraging the Galatians to leave this faith in Christ alone stuff and return to Judaism, and they were using several arguments to try to convince the Galatians to do this, including the argument that grace creates license to sin. In this context, Paul responds by saying two things: First, if while we are trusting Christ for salvation we are found living sinfully, this does not mean that the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith is corrupt. That was an argument by some: that grace through faith was license to sin. Paul argues that this is not true. Jesus Christ is holy and genuine faith in Jesus Christ is a transforming thing that converts the sinner by producing spirit-life in his or her heart, leading to holy living. So, if a person is living in sin, and the fault is not Christs, whose fault is it? Verse 18... For if I build again the things which I destroyed, I make myself a transgressor. If a person removes the evil from his or her life by placing saving faith in Christ, and then as a believer, returns to such sin, he or she is at fault, not Jesus Christ. If you have been delivered from a particular sin, or a pattern of sin, or a bad habit, by Jesus Christ, and you return to that sin, the fault is wholly your own. Remember the Lego house? Its a house that cannot and will not stand. Think of your former life in sin as that house. When you put your trust in Christ and had your sins forgiven, that was like taking a hammer to that house. That fragile structure that could not last is gone. Dont rebuild it. if you do, you are the transgressor. Dont blame your failure on the weakness of The Faith, but the weakness of your own personal faith and resolve. Resolve today to refuse LEGOLAND living! Have a great day!
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:42:09 +0000

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