PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE WIDELY!!! JANE GOODALL ABOUT FACTORY FARMING!!! Over the past years, I became more and more conscious of the terrible harm to the environment caused by industrial meat production, which puts increasing amounts of unhealthy products in the plates more and more people. Diseases related to food such as diabetes type 2 as well as cardiovascular diseases are commonplace. Childhood obesity rates are skyrocketing, and at the same time, hunger is a problem for many children. Intensive farming has a very negative impact on the environment. Large areas of forest are regularly destroyed to cultivate cereals for feed. More in addition to cows and goats invade the remaining forests to graze there, which transform of delicate ecosystems such that they become unrecognizable. Cows in particular need large quantities of water. Freshwater supplies decrease in many places where forests are destroyed. More and more animals are high to satisfy the growing demand for meat, and more and more methane from their digestion is emitted into the atmosphere. Methane is a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon dioxide in terms of contribution to climate change. Conditions in factory farms are so horrible that the animals must receive regular doses of antibiotics, just to keep them alive. These products then enter the environment, bacteria are becoming increasingly resistant, and people have already died of infections after a simple scratch because antibiotics are sufficiently powerful (see The Killers Within by Mark Plotkin and Michael Shnayerson). This video shows explicitly the terrible conditions that animals are treated in order to feed our appetites. It shows the suffering of the animals - remember that pigs are just as intelligent as dogs, and that all creatures may suffer, experiencing fear, depression and pain - but also the harm we inflict on ourselves. https://facebook/photo.php?v=508362972599232&set=vb.130200373748829&type=2&theater Please watch this video... Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE Messenger of peace of Nations Institute Jane Goodall France: and facebook/JGIFrance extract Video of Ron Fricke and Mark Magidson Samsara: barakasamsara/ (Translated by Bing)
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:12:33 +0000

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