PLEASE Wake Up Australia AS TONY just talking BS this was - TopicsExpress


PLEASE Wake Up Australia AS TONY just talking BS this was Published on Jul 21, 2014 hey did you know that The Russian Defense Ministry holds a press conference on the details of MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine. Defense Ministry reports that on the day of the catastrophe, a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the Boeing 777. Calling for Kiev to explain why the fighter jet was tracking the airplane. YES YOU DID NOT SEE THIS ON THE NEWS RIGHT WHY ??? AS the usa has photos from over Russian at the time of BUT will not give to Russian BUT usa AND tony the dickhead are still saying that Russian did it please just check this video and share it .... and 1 more thing who toll the plane to go of the fligh path ??? check this pic out .. 21stcenturywire/.../2014/07/MH-17-FLight-Path.jpg and this is a update Published on Oct 24, 2014 YOU WILL NOT SEE THIS ON OUR NEWS .. AT ALL. undergroundworldnews The West’s case blaming Russia for the shoot-down of a Malaysia Airlines plane over Ukraine last July appears to be crumbling as the German foreign intelligence agency has concluded that the anti-aircraft missile battery involved came from a Ukrainian military base, according to a report by the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 10:13:05 +0000

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