PLEASING GOD The earth is the LORDs and all its fullness, the - TopicsExpress


PLEASING GOD The earth is the LORDs and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. Psalm 24:1 God is the Creator, Whose Purpose for you and me is the same as it was when He created our enviroment in the beginning. He wants us to reflect His image so that we might receive His blessings, God saw that all He had made, and it was very Good. And there was evening and morning- the sixth day, Gen 1:31 In the end, the Creator Stood back. He surveyed the transiformation of the enviroment that had followed His loving and careful preparation. Then He looked at the man and woman He had created in His own image, with a capacity to be His close, personal friends, and He was pleased. As creator surveys your life, is He Pleased??? JUST GIVE ME JESUS!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 07:20:50 +0000

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