PM its good you are so into PNGSDP which is belong to the Western - TopicsExpress


PM its good you are so into PNGSDP which is belong to the Western Province. WHY cant you address the big messes (Depriving of DSIP and PSIP, Manus Assylm issue, UBS K3B loan, legal aspect of K50M genset from the Isreali Company and etc...etc...)of the nation first. /////////////////////////////////// Morautas arrogance beyond belief: PM May 13,2014, 07:00 pm Sir Mekere Morautas arrogant attitude towards the ownership and accountability of the PNG Sustainable Development Program (PNGSDP) has defied belief, Prime Minister Peter ONeill said today. Mr ONeill said the claim that PNGSDP was a private Singapore company and therefore could not be investigated by an inquiry in Papua New Guinea has treated the PNG Parliament, the PNG government, and the people of the Western Province with contempt. The PNGSDP was supposed to manage the profits of the Ok Tedi mine for the direct benefit of the Western Province people, and the nation as a whole. It was set up by an Act of Parliament which Sir Mekere rushed through when he was Prime Minister. The same process gave BHP Billiton an unlimited immunity from civil or other action for damages caused by the mine when BHP Billiton owned and managed it, Mr O’Neill said. He said a body set up by Papua New Guinea law surely must be accountable within PNG. “Therefore; we will legislate if necessary to make sure that accountability happens,” the Prime Minister said. Mr ONeill also said Sir Mekere only became involved in the PNGSDP when his lifelong friend, Professor Ross Garnaut, supported by BHP Billiton, appointed him as Chairman on a massive salary after he retired from Parliament. Neither the National Government, nor the people of Western Province, had any say in the appointment. I was just told afterwards that he (Sir Mekere) was appointed. Sir Mekere’s behaviour is appalling. “As a former Prime Minister, he should be ashamed of his refusal to be accountable – which includes being accountable for his own spending, Mr O’Neill said.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 21:15:10 +0000

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