PNG Flag Guides Lost Overseas Wantok #Patriotic Story By Shane - TopicsExpress


PNG Flag Guides Lost Overseas Wantok #Patriotic Story By Shane Lanea. Heard a story being told about a PNGean lost in a non English speaking country. As there was a big barrier in communicating or asking for directions, the man walked around trying to figure out a way back to his hotel. Instead of taking the route back to his hotel, he further drifted far away from his hotel. He was completely lost hence any chance of getting back to his hotel room vanished. He was in despair and his breathing quickened. His walks looking for the hotel stayed had no sense of direction. He was kind of lost in the amazon than in a city with thousands of people around. Finally he walked to an intersection with too many people and vehicles only directed by the traffic lights. He stood there and weighed out options whether to cross the road or walk along the sides of the building. He looked up to the skies for some kind of answers and lowered his head and looked right across the street and something caught his eye. He couldnt believe what he saw, he thought he probably was mistaken so he cleaned his eyes and took a long hard look. There right across the street, above a 3/4 story building on a pole was a flag, red and black with the gold Bird of Paradise, flying high above that building. There was no other words that came to his mouth, with all emotions and and a drained mind wondering aimlessly in a foreign country lost and in despair, all he could do was, shout on top of his voice with the last breath he could muster, MINE!!! He fell down to his knees and cried and cried and cried. He cared less about the curious onlookers who were now watching him. At last he knew, he will go back safely to his hotel and go back home to PNG. Moral of the story, sense of belonging and identity. My flag is my identity and my pride. Aibo Bebes wrote: The events of that story took place in Tokyo Japan, around September 18/19, 1980. The flag was at the residence of the then Ambassador to Japan, late Sir Joseph Nombri and outside the residence was Sir Nombris wife who was waiting to pick up their children being dropped off by the school bus, when the lost young man found them.This young man, then only about 19 yrs old, was staying at the Prince Takanawa Hotel just a few blocks away from the Consulate staff residence....
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 09:06:46 +0000

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