POETICALLY SPEAKING CONSERVATIVELY A Victory For Total Mediocrity!!! You were hoping for a change in leadership. You counted on a revolt What you got instead as Speaker was the re election of the DOLT! This is further proof that the Republicans never listen to what we say You press them for more CONSERVATISM and they respond with a big NAY We of the RIGHT deserve better. What we get are warmed over Democrats This GOP makes me want to puke. They betray us. They are miserable rats Obama must be laughing and glad that orange tanned buffoon has won He knows damn well that Boehner will give in to what Obama wants done It is time for we Conservatives to think of another way. Have another revolt It is time to leave this cowardly GOP. It is time for us to get up and bolt They most dont respect us. Theyre unprincipled and lack scruples At them I feel such intense rage!! You can see the anger in me. Check my pupils How many times must we insist on leadership change?? Why dont they listen?? Pass the proverbial graveyard we all go. What we are doing is just whistlin Now this Speaker will get his revenge. A full frontal assault on the Tea Party The Demcrats will take such a delight at this. I can see the smile of Nancy Pelosi I realize that we came close to defeating Boehner. But close isnt good enough These RINOS are a despicable bunch. This Republican Establishment plays rough Now they have what they wanted. Speaker Boehner is again firmly in place We again have been F****D!! I feeling like wretching!! What an utter disgrace!!!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 22:55:12 +0000

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