POINT TO THINK AND SHARE [CS-8] – CAN EXPERIMENTS MISLEAD? – Science is based on perceptions and conceptual Thinking built on observation. The thinking of science has kept on changing. It started from gravity that is based on non-equilibrium. Gravity is a very very weak centripetal force. It then discovered electric force and electricity. In a famous EXPERIMENT, a second force was discovered in a current carrying wire [see fig]. Thus, they discovered a second force electro magnetism, which is a strong when compared to gravity and did not fit into Newtonian world-view [Light]. Einstein went ahead to discover that what we call matter or mass is nothing but Energy [E=mc2]. He said, “What we called matter is energy whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter”. Many fundamental questions were left behind as science formed its foundation such as, How energy manifests? How light manifest? What cause light to vibrate? How matter manifest, What property gives mass and gravity to matter? How big structures and life manifests and so on. Light now became the basal matter and what we call matter became secondary product, recall E=mc2. Electricity flows between two point’s; positive and negative connected by a wire and that has a potential difference. Can we not now visualize light as charged particle moving between two or more worlds in space? CAN WE NOT NOW PERCEIVE A BASAL NON-EQUILIBRIUM DESIGN BASED ON RATIO AND A PRINCIPLE GOVERNING THE WHOLE SYSTEM? In the fig, I have projected the concept of String, the particle, Quantum Dance and motion from a ratio design and the manifestation of matter from light. In the linked article, I have visualized how matter manifests into molecules and complex structure. How black holes manifest in inert atoms and galaxies, how pairs of inert atoms can become quite stable and communicate through black holes and thus manifest into Life molecules that show creativity and resistance to gravity bringing a cyclic picture reinventing Big Bang, in Ekpyrotic way involving life and humans and thus uniting it with spiritual knowledge. Now let us revisit some of the major experiments that fashioned science. Galileo rolled balls of different weight on a slanted table and showed that our perception that objects with huge weight fall first in gravitational field is wrong. The experiment is true in the absence of friction and or uniform friction. Suppose we look at the experiment including Galileo, we know Galileo spent or imparted energy proportional to the weight of the balls to lift it to the top of the tables and the ball had to give up the energy to return to original state. If you assume that, the time taken to exchange the energy is proportional to weight. We get the same result. Let us now take a second experiment that introduced complexity into science. The fig shows a school level experiment that introduced electromagnetism as a second force. This experimental perception of new force originated from previous assumption that force acts in straight line. Suppose we visualize force as acting in spiral manner, then we note what we called electromagnetic force and gravity force are different manifestations of the same reality. The strong nuclear force now becomes the forces that bind two electric charge or light particle of unequal strength that leaves some non-equilibrium in the system and thus scope for vibration. Weak nuclear force is force the atom expels to maintain the relative equilibrium with the environment in which it exist. A single force electromagnetic thus appear to govern the universe. The idea of electro magnetism necessitates the existence of parallel and multiple worlds in space. The concept of mass now becomes the measure of non-equilibrium. Is not time that revisit and visualize every experimental result from a different perceptive to comprehend development in science and put them in sensible manner. I am not a physicist. I was a successful bio-technologist. I left Plato’s Chair of science at the mouth of the cave, to seek truth as a free man in nature once I realized serious flaws in our knowledge of life. This in turn led me to concepts in physical science. These and many simple thoughts of technological importance emerged in 1990’s. I did communicate them to temples of science, but they turned recalcitrant. In 1996 in an enlightening experience, the cosmic truth reveled in simplicity. This brought a strange peace and the need for an evaluator was gone. This was associated with conscious call to evolve our scientific thinking and unite it with spirituality. I resisted it for long time, because my sad experience to communicating to temples of science. Slowly I realized I am self-centered. When the internet and social media opened platform for all minds to explore and express I joined in. I call your attention to the link because we are heading to critical period in time cycle, only evolving our knowledge can help us transcend and survive the situation. https://scribd/doc/252071709/Energy-Matter-and-Black-Hole-Secret
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 03:37:16 +0000

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