POINTS TO REMEMBER AT WORK! Just follow them; you will never - TopicsExpress


POINTS TO REMEMBER AT WORK! Just follow them; you will never get lost or get in trouble! 1. All people at work are colleagues not your friends or family 2.They (colleagues) don’t care about you, they just want to know how badly you are falling or how worse you are doing. 3 Everyone looks out for their own interests. 4.They all have a tendency of asking too much and wanting to share less. 5.They will talk behind your back, ooooh yes, they will. 6.We are all there to work not to opening a money lending scheme, so never ask for money from anyone at work,WHY? (refer to point 5) 7.They all want to be closer to the bosses and on top of you(refer to 3) 8.Whenever possible, use your own transport or public transport(asking for a lift will trigger point 5) 9.Try to get to work and work and work and work and then take lunch(alone if possible) then go home. 10.Avoid asking or answering any question not work related (e.g How is the family?(They don’t care), Nice car you must be getting paid enough(jealous), How much is your car(too personal), is your wife working?, when are you going home?. All these questions will make you share too much and end up regretting. 11.Remember I am not saying don’t socialise, all I am saying is “have limits” 12. At work you only have to impress one person or one group of people, your employers. 13.Do not have your colleagues on your instant messaging (Mxit, WhatsUp, BBM, Person, Facebook) these applications are for friends or lovers or family and your colleagues do not meet the definition. One exception( If you have them, only chat to them about work (e.g “im sorry I am running late, I m sorry I m sick today I wont come to work, im on my way im stuck in traffic, please email me that document). I hope you get the point. 14.Its fine we all have same taste in music or movies, lets just not share those stuff, tomorrow it will come back scratched or you loose it. What will happen? What if it’s irreplaceable? 15. Jokes, Jokes, Jokes- If you want jokes go to internet and read it or go to a stand up comedy show, forwarding jokes to each other sometimes is annoying, especially if I have already had it before. If you hear a joke, share it with your friends or family or your spouse, just don’t bring it to work. Here is what happens most of the times to me, you tell a joke, people don’t laugh but when its told by someone, its very funny. Some people are just stupid (there I said it) they only laugh to a joke because a certain person said it. Its very sad.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 10:54:24 +0000

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