POKER AND THE OFFICE……………….THE TORCH GUY………………….. last nights Poker action was combustible and this cash game just lit up the evening in more ways than one………….. The table was full of the most noisiest, smokiest, scruffiest, and ugliest flip flop clowns you ever did see, one of these clowns was bearing a TORCH light which he kept flashing on the table when playing in a hand……………HOW WIERD !! one hour in and the TORCH GUY plays A,10 like a salvation army trumpet player and wins a massive pot against his opponents Kings…………..NICE !! not long after i raise 700 and the TORCH GUY re-raises to 2,000……... i quickly re-raise to 5,000…then the TORCH lights up and he calls me down…………….LOVELY !! THE FLOP…….K, 7, 8….. the TORCH GUY then starts flashing around as per usual and asks me do u have the King…. ????…… i replied my 10s are good, then he decides to move all in for 17,000……..WOW !! Within a flash i call and my A,K….puts the lights out on his pair of JACKS……and its say goodnight and have a nice Christmas………OUCH !! its funny but sometimes i feel its my job to carry the TORCH especially when combustible rubbish is ready and ambitious enough to illuminate the all in moves…………….BOOM !! GOD BLESS THEM ALL
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 02:10:19 +0000

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