POLE SPIRIT DANCE 2014 SECOND INTERNATIONAL OPEN DANCE FESTIVAL MOSCOW 13.09.14 Probably many of you are asking the question - why would I spend the Spirit Pylon?! Another competition, as elsewhere, is the same!! The main thing that I want to note, in the Spirit of the Pylons there are practically no restrictions for participation in the formulation of rooms! The main goal is freedom for your coming This year it is planned more than 150 participants not only from Russia, the festival is open, so open to everything! I am grateful to Eugene Greshilov and Anastasia Skuxtorova for their work and love to the pylon and repeatedly will say that they are my Muse project Spirit Pylon Pole Spirit. I remember when I created a layout, I have considered many options, with permission Horny I chose a photo of her and it became a symbol of the spirit of the Pylon 2013. I love everything that is connected with the pylon, and every year I see developing in this direction and growing number of people willing to do!!! THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO SENDS THE SPIRIT PYLON!!! The first festival has not turned out the way I planned... everything went well, but not perfectly. There were only 60 people (most of Moscow and Moscow region), but I was glad that arrived from other cities to take part. I am grateful to all participants for their work on the pylon, all had beautiful rooms, decorated with soul. I have been in refereeing and organizer of many activities on the pylon. I always remembered the participants that played with soul, though they were merged during a speech to the pylon, and it was not just a set of elements and the music that was playing for the background. All the elements, their cleanliness or difficulty of doing... it is for me personally went to the background. During these performances difficult to keep emotions!!! Then they discuss this performance and believe me, very, very many. DISQUALIFICATION ON THE SPIRIT OF THE PYLON AND NEVER WILL! EVEN IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY LOSE A PART OF THE COSTUME DURING THE PERFORMANCE ( NOT INTENTIONALLY)!!! Allowed any attributes, only declared in advance! This year will be split almost in all nominations for beginners and advanced! Can you explain why... it had to make for a long time, because there are new members who wish to speak, but may not be on par with those engaged in little more than them. And it turns out that at the final location facing those working more time and a beginner no desire to compete in the future!!! They understand that they are still far from winning places (although nothing in a year there will be other starting to look at you and think the same as you do now). The division it will be the same in duets!!! I know that few duos in Russia, but many over the years have progressed very well, there are many examples!!! And for this reason are afraid to speak beginners duets. I have heard many times - what there to speak, once it is clear that we will not get into the final of the all powerful ! It is certainly good that you know what to strive. I always tell everyone that the most important thing your participation, because with each new performance you make the victory over himself personally, and this is the most expensive, well-deserved victory is yours, and your coach!!! And what youve had in place - you are winners, because you already gave the spirit of the PYLON everyone who looks at You and happy for You, for each item to which you so long to go!!! Many people simply forget about the FIRST LESSON POLE !
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 23:55:07 +0000

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