POLICE BODY CAMERAS in Ferguson, MO; Flagstaff, AZ; Minneapolis, - TopicsExpress


POLICE BODY CAMERAS in Ferguson, MO; Flagstaff, AZ; Minneapolis, MN; Norfolk, VA; Washington; New Jersey; Los Angeles, CA; Baltimore, MD; US Border Patrol ********************************** Today’s Police Put On a Gun and a Camera ... the Justice Department, surveying 63 police departments that were using body cameras and many others that were not, concluded in a report this month that the technology had the potential to “promote the perceived legitimacy and sense of procedural justice” in interactions between the public and law enforcement. nytimes/…/todays-police-put-on-a-gun-and-a-c… ********************************** Baltimore Mayor Calls City Councils Body Camera Bill Illegal Members of Baltimore City Council moves forward with a bill that would require all of Baltimores nearly 3,000 police officers to wear body cameras, but the decision comes... baltimore.cbslocal/…/baltimore-mayor-calls-city…/ ************************************ Nov 9, 2014 - MINNEAPOLIS — The Minneapolis Police Department, the largest in ... Studies show departments that use body cameras have seen a .. startribune/politics/national/282072281.html ************************************ Growing use of police body cameras raises privacy concerns latimes/…/la-na-body-cameras-20140927-story.… For many departments, questions remain about when officers should be allowed to turn off such cameras — especially in cases involving domestic violence or rape victims — and the extent to which video could be made public ... Such video sometimes captures people at the worst moments of their lives, American Civil Liberties Union senior policy analyst Jay Stanley said. ************************************** Google search results on Police Departments Required to Wear Body Cameras https://google/search… ************************************* PUPPYCIDE INFORMATION VIDEO OF FREEZE DONT SHOOT NATIONAL MARCH HELD AT STATE CAPITOLS ACROSS AMERICA ON OCTOBER 25, 2014: https://youtube/watch?v=soTx-zD-XTU HumanityForOthers Video1 in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims youtube/watch… HumanityForOthers Video2 in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims not in Video1 youtube/watch?v=kXTmlZvXxv8 Children Witnessing PUPPYCIDE: examiner/…/puppycide-calling-attention-to-th… PUPPYCIDE RAP: https://facebook/video.php?v=691106137635241 Publications and Articles regarding PUPPYCIDE: animal-voices/puppycide/ Webpage with links to numerous PUPPYCIDE articles furbyshouse/Dogs-Shot-By-Police.html Colorado Voters for Animals Small Donors Committee: https://cvasdc.nationbuilder/donate and https://facebook/CVASDC A few weeks prior to the tragic Ferguson, Missouri events that resulted in the death of a young American man, East Anaheim, CA citizen groups for family members of human victims of law enforcement involved shootings – spokesperson says in this video its not only pets being shot. This event coincided with the July 19, 2014 PUPPYCIDE marches in a few cities (Portland, OR; Austin, TX; Las Vegas & Carson, NV: Salt Lake City, UT and Anaheim, CA). https://facebook/photo.php?v=1512961888920328
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 22:31:28 +0000

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