POLICE ENHANCE READINESS AND PREPARATION FOR THE LONG WEKEND SLP Communications Unit The Sierra Leone Police has stepped up its state of readiness and is now finalizing plans for the long weekend starting from the 18th September 2014 till 21st September 2014. This is the period that coincides with the Presidential Task Force’s declaration of an enforced stay at home for reflection and contemplation of the effect of the Ebola virus in the country and moreover for certain exercises to be undertaken in connection with increased efforts to stop its spread. According to the Press statement issued by WHO at the Ministry of Information and Communications recently, the stay at home has been proposed to enable a robust check of every household in the country. Some 7,000 volunteers, NGO workers and Health personnel will do a house to house visitation to undertake health awareness and information dissemination on the Ebola virus. It is hoped that the information passed on will dispel some of the myths and stigma around Ebola as well as assist in the process of track and trace for suspected or probable cases of the Hemorrhagic fever known as the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). It is also expected that valuable information such as the usefulness of hand washing, identification of the early signs of the disease as well as what to do if a suspected case is identified in any local area will be passed on. Some 1.5million soap bars will be distributed to help strengthen the message. Inspector General of Police, Francis Alie Munu has confirmed that the Sierra Leone Police will be on full alert, professional readiness and tactical preparedness to enforce this three day stay at home as directed by the Presidential Task Force on Ebola. As a State directive, IG Munu has stressed that he expects the nation to comply and that there will be no cause for concern. The Police and other Security service personnel will be out to protect the integrity of the declaration and will move swiftly to address any situation that may require their assistance. The IGP welcomes the support of the Military in the MAC-P invoked by His Excellency the President, Dr Ernest Bai Koroma and expressed satisfaction at the level of coordination and collaboration that has so far been the experience of the wider Security Sector since the declaration of a Public Health Emergency by His Excellency the President. The Sierra Leone Police will monitor and record these exercises for operational effectiveness Inspector General Munu concluded. Head of Police Operational Support Department (OSD), AIG Thomas Tamba Kamara confirmed the state of readiness of personnel in his Department as on a high level of alert. Their operational strength is expected to be adequate to provide the necessary support to health personnel and volunteers who will be undertaking the door to door exercises.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:20:49 +0000

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