POLICE OFFICERS IN ODISHA AVOID POSTING TO KBK AREA BY REMAINING ON SICK LEAVE I want to intimate all of you that it has become a normal practice among the police officers in Odisha police to remain on sick leave when they are posted to KBK area like Koraput, Boudh, Kalahandi etc and try to cancel the KBK area posting by approaching the politicians and relatives of High Officials of Odisha Police department and Odisha police is least interested to take any action against these police officers, for example:- 1. Inspector Bijayananda Mohanty (the than IIC of Town Police Station, Puri under District Police Office, Puri) was posted to Boudh and was relieved by District Police Office, Puri on 31st Oct 2012 to join his duty in Boudh but it was found that he has retained his family quarter in Puri and staying with his family. 2. I have asked information through RTI Act 2005 to District Police Office, Boudh regarding the sick leave details of this inspector in my RTI Application dated 08.2.2013, 3. DPO, Boudh supplied information that Inspector Bijayananda Mohanty has sent one telegraphic massage dated 29th Jan 2013 that he has received the Letter No. 89/E dt. 21.1.2013 from DOP, Boudh but he is unable to join the duty in Boudh because he was seriously ill and undergoing treatment, the treating physician has adviced him bed rest, 4. Once he was relieved from District Police Office, Puri on 31st Oct 2012 then what he was doing till 29th Jan 2013 (Eighty Nine Days)? Was he on long leave with journey and joining days? why there is no record with DPO, Boudh or with Odisha Police whereabouts of Inspector Bijayananda Mohanty (from 31st Oct 2012 to 28th Jan 2013)? 5. When this Inspector got a letter from District Police Office, Boudh(Letter No. 89/E dt. 21.1.2013 of District Police Office, Boudh), then he had sent one telegram from Cuttack that he was seriously ill (telegram was received by District Police Office, Boudh on 29th Jan 2013 and recorded in file on 31st Jan 2013) and after sending this telegram there was no correspondence done by Inspector Bijayananda Mohanty with District Police Office, Boudh till 03rd Apr 2013 regarding his illness, type of illness and other details 6. As per the rule District Police office, boudh is supposed to conduct a Medical Board of Inspector Bijayananda Mohanty within one month from the date of his Sick Leave that is by 01st March 2013 but as per the information (Letter No. 166 dated 30.3.2013 & Letter No. 167 dated 03.4.2013 of Public Information, District Police Office, Boudh) provided to my RTI Application dated 08th Feb 2013, no medical Board was conducted by the DPO, Boudh till 03rd Apr 2013, Very Important 7. Once any state government employee remain on Sick Leave is not entitled to get his monthly salary till he/she joins duty with proper medical documents to proof of his sickness. Hence I have requested the Director General of Police in my Letter dated 24.5.2013(sent by Speed post) to investigated that how this inspector could able to manage his a) daily expenditure for his family, b) heavy expenditure towards his treatment, c) payment of monthly installment of his car loan, d) payment of his service quarter electric bill, e) payment of his mobile bill etc without getting payment since seven months. Whether he is spending from his actual earning which was kept in his bank account or from any legal source of income like A) withdrawing from Saving Bank account, B) interest from Fixed deposit, C) income from cultivation, D) premature withdrawal of any Fix deposit, E) Profit from share market, F) income from house rent, G) legally borrowed from any individual or any bank with prior permission from department or any other source? Because the monthly expenditure, treatment expenditure, monthly installment of car loan etc cannot be less than Rs 50,000/-(Rupees Fifty Thousand) only per month. 8. Like this a lot of government servant remains on Sick Leave or Leave without pay etc but government has no knowledge how these corrupt government official manage their expenditure once they do not get monthly salary YEARS TOGETHER. With Regards, JAYANTA KUMAR DAS, SIDHAMAHABIR PATANA,PURI,9861770749(M)
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 11:31:49 +0000

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