POLICE PRIORITIES MUST BE RIGHTLY DIRECTED Law and order is not maintained by number of recruitment Police does, but efficiency, team work in accomplishing the set tasks. So increasing the number of Uganda’s Police Force as proposed from the current 40,000 to 65,000 is a wrong calculation. Uganda Police force always rank first in human right abuses, and corruption. It’s upon those grounds that technocrats must look at to correct the wrong for full utilization of the personnel. Police officers are not fully deployed to perform their duties, due to ‘zigzag’ promotion not on merit, poor remunerations which is below to meet the minimum standard of living; plus unbearable living conditions were officers still live in and share unipots. Institutional political alignment has greatly affected police operations as NRM cadres fails to serve the nation free from party intrigue. Police officers have no or low ICT training capability that is why they manually fill papers to enter data when reporting a crime hence challenged to handle cyber crimes. Police personnel / institution lack public trust as they engage in criminalities; like assisted robberies, killings, torture, bribery etc. The additional 25,000 personnel mean; more expenditure on salaries, allowances, ammunitions, uniforms and accommodation. Hence over a trillion shillings will be used to kick-start the exercise. However, the living conditions, low salary, ICT adaptation among others will not count as the programme is rolled out. Recently in Nansana, Kiwatule among other Police posts had rows with landlords for failure to pay rent amounting to millions. Don’t forget Nsambya Barracks land is also under contention with the Catholic Church for arrears which is now in billions. The current Police force can efficiently serve Ugandans when they are well paid and on time, fully trained, promoted on merit, provided with affordable housing, adapt to ICT, free from political manipulations of NRM cadres among others. But wasting tax payer’s money to personalize police to wipe anti-government as we close in to 2016 General election is disastrous for our motherland Uganda grappling with over 80% of unemployed youth, corruption, and political harassment, extra.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 16:28:34 +0000

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