POLITICAL HISTORY OF THE BIRTH OF WEST PAPUA MANUVESTO 1962 Power of Indonesia is (Sabang to Amboina) was colonized by the Dutch for 350 years, while the West Papua (Netherlands Nieuw-Guinea) was colonized by the Dutch for 64 years. Although West Papua and Indonesia are both a Dutch colony, but the administration of West Papua administered separately. Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch colonial powers controlled from Batavia (now Jakarta), Batavia power is what has been run over the Dutch colonial Indonesia, starting from Sabang to Amboina. Dutch rule in West Papua controlled from Hollandia (now Port Numbay), with a limit of power from the Raja Ampat Islands to Merauke. In 1908, Indonesia entered the stage of the National Awakening (fight brain) which is characterized by the establishment of various organizations struggle. In this new round of struggle many political-economic organization established in Indonesia, for example Sampoerna Utomo (May 20, 1908), the United Islam (1911), Indische Partij (1912), the Communist Party of Indonesia (1913), the Association of Indonesia (1908), Studie Club (1924) and others. The scene of this struggle, especially in the establishment of organizations of this struggle, the people of West Papua was not involved or engaged. This is because the enemy faced at that time, the Netherlands is the enemy of the Indonesian people themselves, not the enemy along with the people of West Papua. West Papuan people assume that they did not have an enemy that together with the people of Indonesia, because the Netherlands is the enemy of each. West Papua People also do not take part in the Indonesian Youth Pledge October 28th, 1928. In this Youth Pledge many youth in Indonesia such as Sumatra Jong Bond, Jong Java, Celebes Jong, Jong Amboina, and others present to express determination as a nation, one language, and one homeland. But never the youth of West Papua who attended the Youth Pledge. Therefore, the people of West Papua have never admit one nation, one language, and a homeland whose name Indonesia. Prior to signing the Agreement Lingggarjati Dutch government has stated that West Papua can receive the status of its own against the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the United States of Indonesia according to the spirit of Article 3 and 4 of the Agreement. So here the Netherlands held an exception for West Papua that the regions legal position is not determined by Linggajati. In the Round Table Conference held in The Hague, Netherlands on August 23-2 November 1945 agreed that the status quo remains valid New Guinea region while it is determined that within one year after the date of the transfer of sovereignty to the United States of Indonesia, problem-notch state of West Papua will be solved with the negotiations between the United States of Indonesia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. But in the same occasion as the status of West Papua (Nederland Niew Guinea) are eksplesit expressed by Mohammad Hatta, Head of Delegation of Indonesia, that ... the problem of West Irian incontestable because the nation of Papua entitled to become an independent nation. In the ministerial conference between the Netherlands and Indonesia held in Jakarta on March 25-April 1 formed a joint committee with the Decree of the Minister of the Netherlands-Indonesian Union No. MCI / C II / 1 / G.T. Based on this decision, each of the parties raised three members prior to April 15, 1950 with the task to investigate the status of West Papua scientifically to determine whether the power should be in Indonesia or the Netherlands. Finally, based on the results of each party penyedikan neither side relented, so that West Papua is still maintained by the Dutch. Was agreed that the settlement issue of West Papua will be resolved later by the United Nations Commission for Indonesia without a specified time limit. Because perceived territory controlled by the Dutch West Papua, the Indonesian side since 1953 to bring the West Papua issue to international forums such as the United Nations and the Asian-African Conference. After all the struggle of each of the parties deadlocked, then the next of West Papua into disputed areas contested by the Dutch and Indonesian. Indonesia and the Netherlands both have great political ambitions in the capture of West Papua. When West Papua is still a disputed area as a result of the seizure of the region between Indonesia and the Netherlands, the demands of the people of West Papuas independence as an independent state existed long before Indonesias independence on August 17, 1945. Entering the 1960s politicians and statesmen West Papua educated through school police and a Municipal school (Bestuurschool) in Jayapura (Hollandia), by educating 400 people between the years 1944 to 1949 to prepare the independence of West Papua. Furthermore, at the urging of politicians and statesmen were educated West Papua, the government of the Netherlands established Nieuw Guinea Raad (New Guinea Council). Some educated figures included in this Council is MW Kaisiepo and Mofu (Chouten Islands / Gulf of Paradise), Nicolaus Youwe (Hollandia), P. Torey (Ransiki / Manokwari), AK Gebze (Merauke), M.B. Ramandey (Waropen), U.S. Onim (Teminabuan), N. Tanggahma (the consortium), F. Poana (Mimika), Abdullah Arfan (Raja Ampat). Then representatives of the Indo-Dutch descent is O de Rijke (representing Hollandia) and HFW Gosewisch (representing Manokwari). After doing various preparations accompanied by rapid political change as a result of tension Indonesia and the Netherlands, the National Committee was formed consisting of 21 persons to assist the Board of New Guinea in preparation for the independence of West Papua. The Committee finally equipped with 70 Papuans are educated and successful that it spawned Political Manifesto: WEST PAPUA POLITICAL MANIVETO 1. Determine the name of the State: West Papua 2. Determine the anthem: Hai Tanahku Papua 3. Determine the flag State: Morning Star 4. Determine that the Morning Star flag will be flown on 1 November 1961. State Coat of West Papua is Bird Mambruk with the motto One People One Soul. Morning Star flag hoisting plan on 1 November 1961 there was no be implemented because it has not received approval from the Government of the Netherlands. But sOetelah approval of the National Committee, the Morning Star flag was flown on December 1, 1961 at Hollandia, as well as the Declaration of Independence of West Papua. Morning Star flag was flown beside the Dutch flag and anthem Hai Tanahku Papua sung after the Dutch national anthem Wilhelmus. West Papuas independence declaration broadcast by Radio Netherlands and Australia. The moment that is the Declaration of Independence of West Papua de facto and de jure as an independent and sovereign state.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:49:14 +0000

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