POLITICAL SHAPE UP; SAILAS IN CYCLES YET AGAIN!!! I never desire to know anything of the detail of political measures, lest even those which I think best should lose anything of their intrinsic value to me, by seeing what low, paltry, personal motives and base machinery and dirty hands have helped to bring them about. I don’t know whether to sympathies or to empathies. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Let me laugh first then I will be crying at the climax of the event. Let me empathies, I don’t know whether I will sympathies at the climax. I know that there is a mischief somewhere, i won’t say where but I know the planners. who are the target of this mischief ? Let’s see……………………………………………. The confusion created on whom to run between silas and Kevin has been choreographed by specific people who think that certain tribes should not lead this school. A chain is only strong and at the same time weak at its link. They have known this and they are heavily banking on it. Silas, mutiso and maybe Kevin omondi are the links of this chain at the moment. They are working to manipulate minds of ua supporters plus a few of u so as to break this link. They did it before when they plaid with the mind of as huge people like Gadaffi and that fellow atheist who stepped down coz he had feared lifting the bible if he would have won(imagine he thought he can win!!!). They eventually managed to divide mashemeji into two. One group, the bungoma people, voted for koech as the rest voted for silas. People are asking what E.J means by “they”!!! ‘they’ is the kalenjis and the kikuyus. As at this moment, they don’t have a serious candidate yet. By muliro always outdoing koech in office, they feel muliro undermined and took koech as an empty headed and immature leader. So they have vowed that muliro WILL not be seeing their votes, ng’oo! And so, they are looking for an alternatives. Muliro’s quest to win this election is now in jeopardy. Not them alone, others are also of the opinion that since he has tasted leadership position, he should vacate and leave others to run. That he has created a good legacy, and like nelson Mandela or our own first chairman Allan, he should leave people yearning of some more of him. I doubt if he will do that, it takes a lot of courage, gentleman –ship and love for others for one to do it. Lets see if he has such qualities. Meetings have been held to try to convince mutiso to go for chairperson. But mutiso knows well that he is being used and viewed as a rubberstamp, he is against such opinion and will continue with his quest for sec gen, he has vowed so. He knows that this will lead to people judging him as a person who has no stand and can’t make his own decision. They have managed to confuse a few kambas, and this is of much concern, not only for mutiso but also to Sailas. Kevin omondi is also here for chairmanship position. The man has a lot of supporters, he claims so. Methinks, like mutiso last year, he is being used. Kevin is the rubberstamp of this year’s election. The two should agree as fast as possible or they loose the kamba votes. There is democracy, that one we accept. But look at those people who are pushing kevo to run. Are they not the same people pushing mutiso to run? Aren’t they the same people who, after the second kamkunji ran all over the campus, pulling branches of trees down and even getting the audacity of banging the professor STEPHEN AGONG’S gate chanting the slogan “yote yawezekana bila jaluo”? I would have advised silas to step down for Kevin, but kambas are doubting this guy. Remember u signed an MOU with the kamba, in absence of Kevin. So Kevin should be left to vie, though this will be detrimental to both of u, I tell u; u will both loose foolishly. As much as silas doesn’t know why his former political adviser has felt the pleasure to challenge him, his former political advice also is asking the question “ why is it that everyone who try to rise against silas is being told to step down?”
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:04:15 +0000

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