POLITICAL SYSTEM OF ISLAM Religion & politics are one & the same - TopicsExpress


POLITICAL SYSTEM OF ISLAM Religion & politics are one & the same in Islam. They are intertwined. We already know that Islam is a complete system of life & politics is very much a part of our collective life. Just as Islam teaches us how to pray salah, observe swam (fasting) , pay zakah & undertake Hajj, so it teaches us how to run a state, form a government, elect councillors & members of parliament, make treaties & conduct of business & commerce. A detailed discussion of the Islamic political system would be desirable, but we have to content ourselves with its basic principles & main features. The duty of an Islamic state is to establish salah & zakah, promote the right & forbid the wrong. The state is responsible for the welfare of all citizens -Muslims & non Muslims alike. It must guarantee the basic necessities of life for example free education, health, food, housing, which is every citizens right towards its government All citizens of the Islamic state shall enjoy freedom of belief, thought, conscience & speech. Every citizen shall be free to develop his potential, improve his capacity, earn & possess. A citizen shall enjoy the right to support or oppose any government policy which he thinks right or wrong with the following in mind. The Islamic state is duty bound to implement the laws of the Quran & the sunna. The Quran strongly denounces those who do not decide their matters by Allah revelations (law).The Islamic state shall ensure a fair distribution of wealth. Islam does not believe in equal distribution but its believe wealth should be distributed by looking at everyone own needs. There is not a single perfect Islamic state in the world today. There are many Muslim countries. An Islamic state is based on the model of prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) state in madinah while a Muslim state is one which has a majority Muslim population & some Islamic features. However, organised efforts have been going on in many Muslim countries to establish truly Islamic states. Al-ikhwanul muslimun in middle east, jamat-e-islami in Indian sub continent are some of the Islamic movements which have been working for the establishment of Allahs law on Allahs land. Let us pray & hope that a real Islamic state will emerge & guide the world towards justice, fair play & peace. Ameen
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 22:26:48 +0000

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