**POLITICS: NOT FOR THE BORN-AGAINs** It is very true dt a great - TopicsExpress


**POLITICS: NOT FOR THE BORN-AGAINs** It is very true dt a great percentage of d christians 2day do nt participate in politics. This polical apathy can be be said to be as a result of their believe dt "politics is a dirty game" Politics is d art or science of governing. It is d avenue tru which pple determin who mans their affairs. Non-participation in politics is simply non-participation in governance. Then, prov 29:2 made it clear dt wen d righteous rules, d people rejoices, bt wen d wicked rules, d pple mourns. This explain d reason fr our bad govt 2day. Consequently, since we cnt participate in politics, hw then cn the book of prov be tru? Hw then do we expect a better leadership wen d wicked (who lacks fear of God) mans our affairs? In conclusion, we shud all partake in politics in order 2 transform our largely secular & pluralistic society 4 d better. For this reason, we shud all be socially, religiously, academically & politically active. NKWUO NELSON U and DIRECTOR OF FINANCE
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 09:33:34 +0000

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