POOFness for MAY 11th 2014 - Posted By: Hobie [Send - TopicsExpress


POOFness for MAY 11th 2014 - Posted By: Hobie [Send E-Mail] (Posted @The Rumor Mill News Reading Room, compiled by Rique Seraphico). Hi, Folks (Received via e-mail): ******************************************************************************** TOMMY JAMES AND THE SHONDELLS LYRICS Crystal Blue Persuasion Look over yonder What do you see? The sun is a-risin Most definitely A new day is comin, whoo-hoo People are changin Aint it beautiful, whoo-hoo Crystal blue persuasion Better get ready Gonna see the light Love, love is the answer, whoo-hoo And thats all right So dont you give up now, whoo-hoo Its so easy to find Just look to your soul (Look to your soul) And open your mind Crystal blue persuasion Mm-hmm Its a new vibration Crystal blue persuasion Crystal Blue persuasion Maybe tomorrow When he looks down On every green field, whoo-hoo And every town All of his children In every nation Therell be peace and good Brotherhood Crystal blue persuasion Yeah Crystal blue persuasion, aha Crystal blue persuasion, aha Crystal blue persuasion, aha (Oh) Crystal blue persuasion, aha Crystal blue persuasion, aha Crystal blue persuasion, aha Crystal blue persuasion, aha Link: https://youtube/watch?v=BXz4gZQSfYQ Greetings and Salutations, Poof said: Its wonderful to report that many many bridges have been built as well as some have been burned. It is going well now and closure on all of this is moving quite nicely. The gods have been smiling down upon you and have heard your pleas. The movements and the changes and the final negotiation are being paid for even in this hour. Make your wishes known. Make your intentions and stay the course. Bide your time and do your own internal work. You have known for years that you needed to do that; What are you going to do with the first con game that comes your way? And there are plenty afoot. So use this time to your advantage as you wait for your rewards. - p - ZAP SAYS: HI ALL YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORHOOD PURPLE PIGS HAVE GONE HYPERSONIC. OBAMA HAS AGREED TO THE SIGN-OFF. MUCH PRESSURE HAPPENED, AND THE GOLDEN ONE WAS GOING TO PULL THE CERTS AND GOODBYE TO THE GOLD THAT WOULD BE BACKING THE TRN. SO ALL GOOD. OBAMA DID THE RIGHT THING, AND THE USA WILL NOW COME ALIVE AND BEGIN TO REBUILD ITS GUTTED INFRASTRUCTURE. REMEMBER THE DAYS WHEN “MADE IN USA” WAS A GOOD THING. STILL IS, BUT IT IS A FRACTION OF WHAT IT WAS. SINCE THE OUTSOURCING CRAZE, THERE AIN’T MUCH LEFT THERE – FEW GOOD JOBS AROUND. NO WONDER THE ECONOMY SUCKS AND EVERYBODY IS GRUMBLING. WITHOUT PROSPEROUS JOBS, WHAT IS THERE OTHER THAN SCRAPING BY, RIGHT? THAT DRAGS THE WHOLE THING DOWN, AND EVERYBODY GETS TO BE MISERABLE. SO, NOW THAT WE BEGIN THE RELEASES IN FACT, NOT ONLY ON PAPER, THE MONEY WILL FLOW, PEOPLE WILL BE ABLE TO GET TO WORK, WHATEVER THAT CHOICE IS, AND LOOK AFTER OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRIES, AND OUR HUMANITY. DETAILS OF ALL THIS WILL BE PUBLISHED AT A FUTURE TIME, AS THERE IS NO NEED TO BASH EVERYBODY AROUND THAT DID NOT DO THE RIGHT THING, AND REVEAL WHO DID WHAT TO WHERE AND ALL THAT AT THE MOMENT. SUFFICE TO SAY THIS EVENT IS AKIN TO THE CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS, AND WE MADE IT AT THE ELEVENTH HOUR. WE START BREATHING TOMORROW. BE PATIENT AS THE RESULTS WILL TAKE A BIT TO TRICKLE DOWN TO THE ACCOUNTS. BUT KNOW THAT THIS IS IT, AND WHAT WAS, IS NO MORE. BE GRATEFUL WE GOT HERE. Hey girl, tell Zap that I can read all through his comments that he is right smack dab happy and having fun with this silly Q&A thing.... his humor and his light heart just shines!! What a sour puss some folks are....and Im betting they are the ones with very little invested-- not like some of us!! I feel a strong need to do battle with some of these people about the way they are reacting!! Bet you do too. WEEEEL…THE TEMPTATION LASTS A MILLISECOND OR SO, AND I HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE OTHER SIDE. FRUSTRATION AND NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION WILL PROD PRETTY WELL ANYBODY TO UTTER WORDS. FORGIVENESS IS NICE, AND RELEASES THAT ENERGY. IF IT DOES GO A TAD OVER, THEN I START LOOKING AT THE VEGETABLE GARDEN TO FIGURE OUT WHO I AM TALKING WITH. So --- Zap, some day, some how, some way--- lets rendezvous some where with a party complete with oinks oinks and piglets and the color purple... party hats and horns....... and well look each other in the eye to confirm that we know that we know that we know....and thank God that we know!!! Geeeez..... grins and headshakes.. C SURE, AND SOON. I FIGURE I WILL GET FREED UP IN THE NEXT WHILE AND CAN TAKE A MOMENT OR TEN TO BREATHE. LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. Dear Susun and Zap and Poof, First a VERY BIG Thankyou for ALL that you are doing! Second, I made this collage image back in early August 2012 in response to the energies of the moment and a year BEFORE I was consciously aware of the reval/reset etc. The Tower is a photo of Glastonbury Tor in SW Britain, a very special Sacred Site and the Heart Chakra of Mother Earth. The goddess figure is Isis feeding the infant Horus. I know from other experiences that I sometimes have the gift of prophecy and looking at this Collage always makes me giggle with joy! Love to you all, MM THAT IS THE COOLEST THING. I KNOW UPSTAIRS HAS A GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR WITH THE NUMBERS AND OTHER THINGS, BUT REALLY TAKES THE CAKE. I WILL SAY THANK YOU TO THE FOLKS IN THE REALMS FOR THIS ONE, AND BLESS YOU FOR THE MESSAGE. I AM CHUCKLING MYSELF. IN REFERENCE TO R, AS IN: FRYER TUCK, THE FELLOW THAT POSTED INTERESTING INFORMATION THAT MADE SENSE, AND IN SOME POINTS IT WAS TRUE DESPITE BEING FABRICATED. I DO KEEP SAYING THIS ALL CAN BE FIGURED OUT ON AN ALMOST DETAIL LEVEL IF ONE HAS ENOUGH INFORMATION. FRYER TUCK DID A GOOD JOB OF THINKING IT THROUGH, UNKNOWINGLY HITTING THE CORRECT STUFF. WAS PRETTY GOOD ACTUALLY. THE INFORMATION I GET IS FROM THE FAMILY AND AGENCIES AND GOVERNMENT FOLKS. SO I DO NOT REALLY SEEK THIS STUFF, IT JUST GETS TOLD TO ME. I HAVE TO THEN REMOVE BIG CHUNKS OF THE DETAIL AND TRY TO PRESENT SOMETHING THAT WILL NOT HARM WHAT IS BEING DONE. OCCASIONALLY I REFERENCE OTHER SOURCES. RIGHT NOW, I APOLOGIZE FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO FILL IN THE WHOLE SCREEN, OTHERWISE THERE WILL BE THOSE THAT WILL WISH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS INFORMATION. THE RV RELEASE AND OTHER ITEMS ARE ABOUT TO MANIFEST, AND FUNDS RELEASED. NOT MUCH MORE TO SAY ON THAT TOPIC OTHER THAN THERE TRULY IS A LOT OF DISINFORMATION OUT THERE, AND THE MAJORITY IS EMBELLISHMENT OF A SINGLE FACT THAT BECOMES A MOUNTAIN IN NO TIME FLAT. BUT THE PIGS ARE REAL. I IMAGINE THE BLOG GURUS AND OTHER FOLK WILL GET TO OTHER WORK. WE WILL GET TO THE PROJECT SIDE, AND ALL ARE INVITED. THE WEBSITE IS COMING SOON. I do thank you for the reports. I can understand that people are frustrated and hence the complaints. Await the purple pigs too!. Thanks as always and Zap, your doing a fantastic job! Faith, Love and HOPE! CheersT THANKS AND APPRECIATED. MUCH FUN AHEAD. HiThanks Zap for answering in last weeks newsletter. The humor was much appreciated So in reply, No I havent bought any Dinar. And nor do I intend to. I dont subscribe to get rich quick scams. As for your new predicted date of the 15th, I will cut you a wager. If you are so sure that your insider intel is real. Then I cant envisage a problem. My wager is, If nothing happens on the 15th, in the next newsletter, you have to say that you are a dumbass. SURE. If you are correct, you can name me as a dumbass, and i will donate $30 to help with the news letter. I WILL CALL YOU A WONDERFUL $30 CONTRIBUTOR TO SUSAN’S DEMANDING EFFORTS, AND THANK YOU FOR IT. I have a question or two. I have tried hard to find out any information. But there is nothing in MSM, only conspiracy sites. I did manage to find out that HSBC were taken to court over price fixing on Silver. As they have been buying up tons of it. But were recently found not guilty. If this is true, this adds some credence to precious metals backed currency. CHINESE ARE VERY BRIGHT, AND UNDERSTAND THAT ANY WORTHWHILE METAL HAS A SOLID INTRINSIC VALUE THESE DAYS. WHAT YOU SAY IS CORRECT, THEY WERE TAKEN TO COURT. I have a work colleague whose husband works at said bank. But they know nothing of the supposed TRN Dollar. SOON THEY WILL. Can you point to anywhere where this is provable. As there only seems to be conspiracy sites that mention it. JUST WAIT…IT WILL COME OUT SOON ENOUGH. WHY STRESS. IT IS NOT TO BE BROUGHT OUT PREMATURELY. If this take down is now not happening. Or at least at a recognizable pace. Is this not the same as nothing will happen? The bad guys are still in charge. No reset will EVER happen whilst they are. So can you explain how this is meant to happen? In love light peace and honesty AS I SAID, THE OLD MAN HAD ENOUGH, DREW A LINE IN THE SAND, ALL THE COUNTRIES WENT TO ONE SIDE EXCEPT THE USA. NOW THE USA HAS STEPPED FORWARD. NOW ALL BEGINS. SIMPLISTIC BUT ACCURATE. THE CABAL FOUND OUT THEY COULD NO LONGER CONTROL OBAMA, AND OBAMA WAS FACED WITH DOING THE RIGHT THING, OR HAVING CIVIL WAR AND MARTIAL LAW DOMINATE HISTORY FOR A WHILE. IF THAT HAPPENED, THE GUYS THAT DIPPED INTO THE COOKIE JAR WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO USE THEIR ILL GOTTEN GINS. NOBODY WILL ACCEPT FIAT CURRENCY WHEN EVERYBODY ELSE IS ON A METAL STANDARD. COMMON SENSE AGAIN. SO THE SOLUTION IS SIGN-OFF, AND MOVE ON. THIS WAS DONE FRIDAY AND WILL FINISH TODAY, AND BE EFFECTED TOMORROW. Dear Zap, Im sad and embarrassed by recent attacks to your integrity, necessitating you having to write defensive retorts. These people cant fathom the logistics, politics, finances, greed and even probably language issues involved in something that has never been attempted and with such far-reaching ramifications. And you have to defend via RV-GCR work that is not even your forte. You have mentioned very little in the past month about the project funding side of this. Many weeks ago websites were being finalized. Although the money new not yet be ready to disperse. Those of us who sent proposals to DHintake in July are eager to get more direction and learn what steps need to be done to set up a project so that when funds are ready no delays will occur. Can you please touch on this part in the next report. Many thanks and blessings. RW: NS Project HI RW. TRUE, I HAVE NOT GONE TO THE PROJECT SIDE FOR A BIT, AS I AM DEEPLY INVOLVED IN THE FINALIZATION OF MATTERS THAT ARE OCCURRING, AND THEN INSTALLING THE REST OF THE FINANCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE BEFORE THE GLOBAL INTAKE AND DISPOSITION PROCESSES ARE FULLY FUNCTIONAL. THIS WILL NOT TAKE LONG, AND THE WEBSITE HAS BEEN DEFINED, AND PRELIMINARY DESIGNS ARE BEING PERFECTED. THIS SYSTEM MUST BE ROBUST AND SCALABLE. OUR OWN SERVERS ARE BEING BROUGHT ONLINE FOR THIS EFFORT. THANKS FOR BEING PATIENT. I WILL BE GETTING IN TOUCH VERY SOON WITH YOU AND YOUR PROJECT REQUIREMENTS OVER THERE. HELP WILL BE THERE SHORTLY. Dear Sir, Last week you again stated that the RV had not been funded yet, but was expected to be, by May 15th, this month. M.G. (the lady from Bavaria) stated on Friday (today), that those who have been stalling the RV process, intend to continue to do so, until Malikis mandate is over on June 14, 2014. She absolutely stated, to not look for this RV prior to this date. I WILL NOT ARGUE WITH MALIKI. I DID SAY THE TENTATIVE DATE IS SCHEDULED FOR MAY 15. IF THIS CHANGES, THEN IT WILL CHANGE. HOWEVER, THE RELEASE IS TO DO WITH THE COMPLETION THE OF SETTLEMENT PROCESS FOR THE PRIVATE PLACEMENTS IN RENO ETC. Would you care to comment on this, and give us any information that would either support or disprove this grim outlook? Do the Elders intend on allowing this to happen? MS AS ALREADY STATED, THE EVENTS ARE UPON US STARTING TOMORROW ON MONDAY. FUNDS WILL BEGIN FLOWING OUT TO EVERYBODY INVOLVED AND WITH THAT, I AM GOING BACK TO WORK. HK IS OPEN AND SOON SO WILL EUROPE, AND MUCH TO DO. THE PIGS ARE SCREAMING IN ANTICIPATION. FEISTY PIGS. NICE TO HAVE A PICTURE OF ONE. HAVE TREMENDOUS FUN IN THE NEXT DAYS AS THESE EVENTS UNFOLD. JUST REMEMBER TO BE PATIENT AS THINGS MUST BE DONE CORRECTLY, AND MISTAKES ARE NOT THE ORDER OF THE DAY. IN LOVE AND LIGHT IN OUR SERVICE ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” Love and Kisses, THE OFFICE OF POOFNESS Susan and Staff ===== Hobie
Posted on: Mon, 12 May 2014 17:39:03 +0000

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