POOFness for OCT 12: Reasons. (Posted @The Rumor Mill News - TopicsExpress


POOFness for OCT 12: Reasons. (Posted @The Rumor Mill News Reading Room, compiled by Rique Seraphico). JOHN DENVER LYRICS - Rhymes And Reasons Link: https://youtube/watch?v=7Yb0QMEktDE Source Link: rumormillnews/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=1572 ___________________________________ Greetings and Salutations:: POOF SAID: And so here we are -- it seems like the 11th hour and it feels like it on all fronts. How many times do we find ourselves believing this is the week that Will manifest the final tasks? It has been a very long road and the ways and means have changed so many times that no one would hardly believe this to be the odyssey of the century. But that is what it has been. Much like the story of Jacob turned Issac in that Old History book you call the bible. How many years did he spend? You are about there already. Each time you hear this is the week you get your hopes up and then it isnt. Still, keep in mind that we are in the window of the 11th hour. How many times do we need to hear this project is so big, so vast, so worldwide and so dependent upon the energies of many people to roll it out only to have it foiled. So the thought probably comes, Why then can I ever expect it? You can expect it because the intention is there; and if the Dragon family has to buy out more operations to get it done do believe they will do just that. You really do not think things through well enough; you wonder why they would do this for the world? Why would they not do it? They share the same soils, water, sky, atmosphere that the rest of the world does and they have need of markets and economies that work just as the rest of the world does. Never forget that America is magical -- many citizens are dumbed down to this and have forgotten that none of the rest of the world has exactly the same opportunities as here. Women are blessed. Look at the world. Look at the plight of women everywhere. Look at the sacred rights that have all but been lost in this country and THINK again . Sort through where you put your mind and what you think about, how you take much for granted. That will ultimately help in determining where to focus when you become the steward of significant funds. More than you can spend. Or should spend. Get over it. None of us have a right to be selfish. Another reason possibly that funds have not yet materialized. Look once again at history. Things do not happen until the people are ready. You dont like reading this but maybe you should figure out you are part of the holdup? So what good is there to report. Again, from all that is in process much good has been established and penalties being established for any breaks or violations or any breach of confidence that occurs. Nothing is being left to chance, nothing. The success of this endeavor is uppermost....P.. The Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him Forever in the next. Amen. - See more at Link: prayers-for-special-help/serenity-prayer.html#sthash.k9oIFZk9.dpuf ZAP SAYS: HI ALL THIS WEEK IS SHORT AND SWEET AS WE ARE NOW IN THE LAST LEG OF THE WAIT. MY INTEL SAYS THAT BETWEEN OCTOBER 15 AND THE END OF THE MONTH, THE LAST ITEMS WILL BE PUT IN PLACE AND WE BEGIN THE WORK AHEAD. IN RESPECT OF THE DINAR, THE FINAL DOCUMENTS ARE ALSO GETTING DONE FOR THE PAYOUTS OF THE PRIVATE SIDE, SO THE PUBLIC SIDE IS ALMOST HERE AS WELL. TIS THE SEASON…. I ALSO HEARD FROM A BROTHER THAT BASED ON THE FACT THAT GREAT PROGRESS IS BEING MADE ON THE SIDE OF LIGHT, AND THAT VEGETABLES ARE IMPEDING PROGRESS, SOME CULINARY ARTISTS HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A LOT OF SALAD. NO DRESSING. ALL PAYMENTS WILL BE MADE IN VARIOUS CURRENCIES AS THE TRN IS A DIGITAL CURRENCY (LIKE BITCOIN FOR EXAMPLE) THAT IS CONVERTIBLE TO THE OTHER MAJORS. UNFORTUNATELY TOO MANY HAVE PAID THE ULTIMATE PRICE IN GETTING US HERE, AND FEW GOOD PEOPLE HAVE STEPPED UP TO PROVIDE THE FINAL HELPING HANDS. TURNS OUT, THE POORER YOU ARE, THE MORE YOU UNDERSTAND THE BIGGER PICTURE AND HELP, AND THE RICHER YOU ARE, THE MORE DEMANDING YOU ARE OF JUSTIFICATION OF A HELP REQUIREMENT. SAD BUT TRUE. THE RICH ONES LIKE THAT ARE THE ULTIMATE LOSERS. YOU CAN NOT BUY YOUR WAY TO HEAVEN. A FEW QUESTIONS…. Hi I read your article here and ALOT of veiled information in it. Just have a couple of questions. Who are the Purple Pigs? THEY ARE FIRST OF ALL, MAMMALS. THEY EAT VEGETABLES. THEY COME FROM THE PROPOSED AXIOM: “WHEN WILL IT HAPPEN? WHEN PIGS FLY”. THEY ARE PURPLE IN HONOR OF ST GERMAIN. THEY ALSO FLY ABOUT AND ENSURE THINGS FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR HUMANITY ARE BEING DONE PROPERLY. RV stands for, I would assume, Revaluation...of the Dollar?? RIGHT. RV=REVALUATION (OF ANY CURRENCY). IN THIS CASE, IT MEANS THE RV OF ALL CURRENCIES. TRN stands for, I would assume...Treasury Reserve Note?? And the banks are already in possession of them? I would assume IF they are going out for circulation in the general population the currency reset is upon us. New TRN backed by Gold/Silver/Commodities? CORRECT. THE TRN IS BACKED BY A FEW MILLION TONS OF GOLD. Could you explain a little more your statement here? Does this have to do with the new Treasury Notes being integrated into existing IRAs/401Ks? Who are the Reno Treaty Groups? THE TREATY GROUPS ARE THE PRIVATE PLACEMENT FOLKS LIKE ADMIRAL BOB. Any help is appreciated here. I am just a private citizen trying to figure all the confusion out. I know a currency reset is right around the corner but dont have much detail beyond that. I am speculating all this Ebola hype is a smokescreen for that. I thought your article was incredibly interesting. Thank you. YOU’RE WELCOME. AND THE EBOLA THING, ALTHOUGH MAN MADE LIKE SARS ETC, HAS A CURE. THE CURE HAS BEEN BROADCAST ON TV IN THE LAST WEEKS. ALSO, A COUPLE OF COUNTRIES IN AFRICA HAVE FOUND A VERY SIMPLE CURE, AND THEIR COUNTRIES ARE EBOLA FREE NOW. THEIR SOLUTION WAS NANO SILVER (SIMILAR TO COLLOIDAL SILVER). I have been doing more studies on the Committee of 300 and their total iron control over the entire world. How does one ancient Chinaman defeat, or anyone one else, defeat such a powerful, well-funded group who wants to kill off 50 % of the worlds population, destroy the American middle class and bring America to its knees.? WITH VERY POWERFUL INCENSE, AMAZING KUNG FU, AND CONTROL OF THE WHOLE BANKING SYSTEM. Reconstruction projects will not be allowed to open within these plans. Reeducation of our children would be stopped immediately. Is this why there have been so many delays in opening the funding windows? PRETTY WELL. THEY CAN NOT AFFORD HUMANITY TO WAKE UP, BUT THAT PROCESS IS PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN, AND THE AWAKENING IS HAPPENING. THEY CAN NOT STOP IT ANYMORE. ZAP...Is there actually any hope of success to begin? I am at a loss as to what is real, and what is part of the sinister plan, there has been so much deception. I write to you because my gut tells me there is substance in you, you mean well and speak the truth, but I dont have a take on your actually ability to provide the funds. If not now, then when? Another week and nothing for us guys in the trenches. Not much to hang on to. Even a slice of bread would be real tasty now, pigs served as honored guests, not the main course. LOL. AS WITH THE HONORED GENTLEMAN WHO WISHED TO BUY A PURPLE PIG TO ROAST UP AT SOME BARBECUE, OUR PIGS ARE NOT FOR SALE. THE FUNDING ABILITY IS QUITE REAL, AND IN THE FINAL PROCESS. THESE FUNDS WILL BE RELEASED IN THE NEXT 2 WEEKS. BEING IN THE TRENCHES I UNDERSTAND THE FRUSTRATIONS, BUT BEING TAPPED INTO THE ACTUALIZING SIDE GIVES ME GOOD CONFIDENCE AS TO TIMINGS. BIT MORE PATIENCE ONLY NOW. Where I come from, a mans word is his bond, it is how he honors himself and the world. A handshake closed the deal. I would love to shake your hand, close the deal and face the new challenges. RJC DONE. SOON WE WILL SHAKE ON IT. MUCH WORK AHEAD OF US. AND THANKS FOR THE KIND WORDS. I WORK ON A HANDSHAKE WHERE I CAN. If this is true......Can this be stopped??? I suspected this was the cabalists doing something but, this is the 1st confirmation Ive read any where. Also...WHEN will the chem-trails be stopped. In Nashville TN, we get bombarded daily. Thanks for all U do. We await your post weekly. We know you speak the truth. Many blessings... JLH ELLOWSTONE SECRET ERUPTION PROGRAM. Link: fourwinds10.net/siterun_data/environment/earth_changes/news.php?q=1412865131 I TOOK A LOOK, THANKS. THIS SCARES THE SHIT OUT OF ME. I KNOW THAT YELLOWSTONE IS THE DEEP FREEZE TRIGGER IF IT BLOWS, AND THE VIBROSEIS MACHINERY TO MAKE YELLOWSTONE ERUPT IS A PROVEN FACT. WHAT THESE IDIOTS ARE UP TO IS EVIDENT…GET RID OF THE MAJORITY OF THE POPULATIONS. I WILL ENQUIRE FURTHER. IN RESPECT THE CHEMTRAILS, THIS I DO NOT KNOW WHEN THEY WILL STOP, AND THAT EQUATION IS NOT AS COMPLEX AS PEOPLE THINK. REMEMBER THE MILITARY HAS BEEN CHARGED TO BE IN WEATHER CONTROL BY 2015. CHEMTRAILS ARE PART OF THIS. THEY USED CHEMTRAILS AS A CARRIER FOR BIO EXPERIMENTS FROM TIME TO TIME, BUT THE MAJORITY OF THIS ACTION IS WEATHER RELATED. Hi Susan and Co. I have a question for Zap. Years ago, Poof told me that Obama was one of the good guys and that he had been Vetted by the powers behind the change. However, the last few weeks he as made some questionable decisions and ZAP reported that he did not want to sign off on the changes. I believed Poofs assessment of Obama... but what happened to Obama??? Makes no sense to me. And by the way, today I did not see any TRNs. Please respond on Sunday, with some clarification of you can????? J DEAR PRESIDENT O STARTED AS A GOOD GUY. BUT IT APPEARS THERE WAS A GREAT AGENDA BEHIND AND HE GOT CONFUSED (PERHAPS DAZED TOO). JURY IS STILL OUT AND TIME WILL TELL. THE TRN WILL COME ALIVE PUBLICLY SHORTLY, AND QUITE POSSIBLY THIS WEEK. SO THAT’S ALL FOR NOW. I AM VERY BUSY WITH TENDING TO THE RELEASES FOR THE PROJECT SIDE, AND A FEW THOUSAND PIGS. I SHOULD HAVE SOME GOOD NEWS MID WEEK FOR US. IN LOVE AND LIGHT IN OUR SERVICE ZAP “GOD IS; I AM; WE ARE” “BE GOOD, BE LEGAL, TELL TRUTH” October 12, 2014 Copyright ZAP 2014 Because of your Help we keep reporting...Donations are appreciated and needed to keep the news coming. Please go to Paypal.. account to send to is goneforthfornow@gmail ..if you have a problem please contact us at [email protected] continue.....S Love and Kisses, THE OFFICE OF POOFNESS Susan and Staff ________________________________________ JOHN DENVER LYRICS Rhymes And Reasons So you speak to me of sadness and the coming of the winter, The fear that is within you now that seems to never end, and the dreams that have escaped you and the hope that youve forgotten, and you tell me that you need me now and you want to be my friend, and you wonder where were going, wheres the rhyme and wheres the reason? And its you cannot accept: it is here we must begin to seek the wisdom of the children And the graceful way of flowers in the wind. For the children and the flowers are my sisters and my brothers, their laughter and their loveliness would clear a cloudy day. Like the music of the mountains and the colors of the rainbow, theyre a promise of the future and a blessing for today. Though the cities start to crumble and the towers fall around us, the sun is slowly fading and its colder than the sea. It is written: From the desert to the mountains they shall lead us, by the hand and by the heart, they will comfort you and me. In their innocence and trusting they will teach us to be free. For the children and the flowers are my sisters and my brothers, their laughter and their loveliness would clear a cloudy day. And the song that I am singing is a prayer to non-believers, come and stand beside us we can find a better way. Link: https://youtube/watch?v=7Yb0QMEktDE
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 03:13:29 +0000

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