POPE IS AN ANTICHRIST The First Century was a time when elders or bishops had the oversight of the congregation where they served (Acts 14: 23, I Tim. 3: 1-7, Tit. 1: 5 ff.). It was a time that preceded the creeds and dogmas of men, as we know them today. The word of God was the final authority and they were taught to abide in Jesus teaching (I Pet. 4: 11; 2 Jn. 9). Fellowship was spiritual and determined by the truth taught and practised (2 Jn. 9-11). The local church wore no human names, as seen, there. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter time some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience sealed with a hot iron; forbidding to marry(reverend sister/father/pope), and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth (I Tim. 4: 1-3).reverend is only used for God in psalm 111v9,so no human can be equal in Glory with God Many think of the Catholic Church when they think of ancient Christianity. It is true that Catholicism gave birth to most of the older denominations (the Reformation Movement). Lutheranism and Protestantism originally came into existence as a result of realising they could not reform the Catholic Church. However, Roman Catholicism (as a full-grown entity) cannot be traced back to the time of Jesus and the apostles. Most reference works cite AD 606 as the date of origin of the Catholic Church. In fact, the scriptures appear to speak of the development of Catholicism, but in the atmosphere of apostasy and departure from the truth (2 Thes. 2: 1-12, I Tim. 4: 1-3). The impetus which resulted in the total corruption of power being given to one man started within the eldership, just as Paul prophesied (Acts 20: 27-31, 2 Thes. 2: 4). Various doctrines, which are associated with Catholicism, did not begin in the First Century (not part of the doctrine of Christ). The date of origin for the teaching of transubstantiation is AD 1215; celibacy, 800; purgatory, 593; and the legalization to generally practice sprinkling was 1311. Beloved, Catholicism, as such, is 600 years removed from Jesus and the apostles. Let us now travel all the way back in time, past denominationalism, the Reformation Movement, and Catholicism. Let us go back to the First Century when every individual Christian was a priest and collectively constituted a priesthood (I Pet. 2: 5, 9). It was a time when men and women heard the simple Jerusalem gospel and responded in implicit obedience (Acts 8: 12, they did not practice infant baptism). It was a time when Peter and others were simply preachers of the gospel, they claimed no papal power and presented the gospel to the people in their own language (Acts 2: 1-11, 14-40). Peter, while inspired, made no claim to papal infallibility; when he sinned, he was rebuked and he refused worship from any man, even a Gentile (Gal. 2: 11-14, Acts 10: 25, 26). The doctrine of celibacy had not been introduced by man, at the time of the First Century; hence, we observe Peter being a married man, as were most of the other apostles (Matt. 8: 14, I Cor. 9: 5 ff.). Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ (I Pet. 2: 5). The First Century was a time when elders or bishops had the oversight of the congregation where they served (Acts 14: 23, I Tim. 3: 1-7, Tit. 1: 5 ff.). It was a time that preceded the creeds and dogmas of men, as we know them today. The word of God was the final authority and they were taught to abide in Jesus teaching (I Pet. 4: 11; 2 Jn. 9). Fellowship was spiritual and determined by the truth taught and practised (2 Jn. 9-11). The local church wore no human names, as seen, there were no Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians in the time of Jesus and the apostles (Rom. 16: 16, I Cor. 1: 2). The saved were simply known as Christians, members, believers, disciples, and saints (Acts 11: 26; I Cor. 12: 27; I Tim. 4: 12; Acts 6: 1; Phili. 1: 1). Christians were to believe and practice the same belief, the one faith (I Cor. 1: 10, Jn. 17: 21). Religious division was not glorified, as it is today, but was viewed as sinful (I1cor11-13: 1Cor. 3: 1-5 ff.). Let denominations/Catholics go through all these and make full proof of their devilish doctrine to the world and stop exhorting a manPope above what is writing in the scriptures( 1cor 4v6:There are 3 dispensation in the bible Patriarchal, the Jews religion and the(christian religion Which is the system of faith with better promises than the old testament type and stand above all human innovations. I therefore challenge u to explain pagan Ideas of ritual,ceremonies,worship of saint and the use of image in worship. you claimed Peter was the first pope whom the Roman catholic succeeded but this contradicts the bible teachings on the organisation of the church. christ. organised his church into local units having qualified elders and deacons,the elders are also called bishops and pastors(Actsa14v23;Phil1v1;Tit1v5-9,;1Tim3v1-13 Peter was a married man and he was an elder (Matt8v14-15;1Pet5v1)he was not a pope and he was not the prince of the apostles . Catholics said bible is not the only truth standard authority in religion this contradict (Matt15v1-9;Col2v8;11John9-11;Rev22v18-19 and that scriptures are not sufficient as a rule of faith and practice,this contradicts(11Tim3v16,17;11Pet1v3;Jam1v25)Apostle Paul rigthly said,but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him(1Cor2v14). There no office of a reverend sister/mother or woman pastor or deaconess in the scriptures 1tim2v10-15,1corinthians14v33-35 Catholics/Denominations can not defend their false doctrines due to their screwball theology. U have them in hot water, swimming in circles, trying to explain their heretic doctrine. hopping all over the pond because they cant stay too long in one spot without sinking in the mire of their false and satanic doctrines called Catholism. . If you are a member of this church Roman Catholic or have been influenced by its teachings,I challenge you to ask your reverend the following questions,open your bible for confirmation 1. Do 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-12 and I Timothy 4: 1-3 seem to describe Roman Catholic. If yes, why? 2.Roman catholic worship God through the image of Mary,Jesus and of angels,they hang a graven cross on their neck and even pray with it, is there Apostolic example of it in the new testament Acts17v29,however 3.considering Lev26v1 ye shall make no idols nor graven image,neither rear you up a standing image neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land to bow down unto it: for I am the lord your God, Exodus20v4-5 thou shall not make unto thee any graven image,or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath,or that is in the water under the earth,,,thou shall not bow down thyself to them,nor serve them: for I the lord thy God am a jealous God............ how do this contradict Catholic doctrine 4). When were the following doctrines officially taught: transubstantiation , celibacy , and sprinkling? . 5 What is the often given date assigned to the beginning of Catholicism? 6. How removed is Catholicism from the First Century? 7. Was Peter a married man? If they cant answer this with bible references,they better remain silent to avoid the wrath of God upon them Gal1v8-9 because catechism,book of common prayer, constitution or creed written in mens council has no religions authority, ;Jesus has authority in heaven and on earth(Matt28v18). To visit any church of christ withing ur location u can send ur E-mail address The church of christ function entirely on d doctrine of d bible
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 06:13:41 +0000

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