POPE PICKS NEW COUNCIL TO PROMOTE GLOBAL CHRISTIAN UNITY This is something significant that will probably escape most headlines. Today Pope Francis named an international list of eight individuals to serve on an elite Council to strategize with him regarding how to promote Christian unity in the world. There is no question in my mind but that this pope is positioning himself and the Catholic Church to be the catalyst for a form of universal ecumenical Christianity that willrecognize the pontiff as the figurehead. = Prophetic fulfillment. (Its interesting this is happening one week after the passing of Tony Palmer who was unofficially doing the same thing.)Here are the names;. 1. Cristiano Bettega, director of the National Office for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the Italian EpiscopalConference 2. Hector Sherri, president of the Theological Commission of Malta and the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission, Malta 3. Michael Joeng-Hun Shin, official for ecumenism of the Korean Episcopal Conference -Fernando Rodriguez Garrapucho, director of the John XXIII Centre for Oriental and Ecumenical Studies at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain 4. Br. Enzo Bianchi, prior of the Monastery of Bose, Italy; Fr. Franck Lemaitre, O.P., director of the National Service for Christian Unity of the Bishops Conference of France 5. John Crossins, O.S.F.S., executive director of the secretariat for ecumenical and interreligious matters of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops 6. Fr. Jorge A. Scampini, O.P., professor of ecumenism at the faculty of theology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Buenos Aires, Argentina 7. Fr. Milan Zust, S.J., Slovenia, lecturer at the faculty of missiology of the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome 8. Sister Maria Ha Fong Ko, F.M.A., Macau, lecturer in New Testament exegesis at the Pontifical Faculty of Education Sciences (Auxilium), Rome and at the Holy Spirit Seminary of Hong Kong
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 06:29:04 +0000

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