POPEWATCH: PREPARING FOR THE POPES VISIT Part of our preparation for the Apostolic Journey... is to be alert, listen to what the Pope is saying--and what he has been saying, and his pronouncements have been quoted(probably by far he is the most covered Pope on media including the social media, because possibly the Popes of previous times lived when mass media was not as widespread as now). When he comes to our place, he will deliver a homily, talk with the priests and religious, and before this, in Manila, there are also lined up homilies and talks. When a pope speaks, he becomes larger than life, because of his position as a religious leader. Imagine: he is the Vicar of Christ. Lets put it this way: a leader of a nation is a sensitive position, and his pronouncements must be prudent, sometimes cautious so he has a spokesperson, not only because of this fact but because he cannot meet e.g. all the time press peoples. But the Pope speaks most times not through an official spokesperson(am not sure if he has one or if tradition or protocol provides; Vaticanologists would know) because HE HAS A REGULAR AUDIENCE with various sorts of peoples not only Christians or Catholics but other peoples of different persuasions and beliefs. We have to make allowance for miscommunications, because Popes live, think in a particular lifestyle, as clerics, particularly as bishops yet they have peculiar personalities.(PopeBenedict likes classical music, which perhaps other popes might consider worldly, and he loved cats; John XXIII was a simple country pries, yet he became a diplomat and mingled with royalties, and maybe many knew Poe John Pauls personality because, again of media). One thing with Pope Francis: even the most worldly media(like Rolling Stone, and a fashion magazine) cover him. Since mass media has been known as venue for advocacies, promotions, and sensationalism, an impression might be created that he is not only the darling of media but its creation! That would be bad for his image and credibility. Also some points and ideas of his talks maybe misinterpreted. For instance, this following quote, might sound to some as playing politics(again) and un-pastoral. But it is not only Pope Francis who who has lent his voice to world issues which though seemingly remote to faith touch on matters involving the human community. Pope John XXIII intervened personally in that critical Cuban missile crisis which nearly plunged the world unto war.(Excuse the lengthy intro, but if you have been following the internet even Catholics have sidetracked by the media exposure of our Pope, hence we believe a solid background, and clarifications on the Papacy and the person is needed)
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 22:04:38 +0000

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