PORTION “PARASHA” OF THE WEEK - 5 OF 7 MIKETZ - AT THE END By: Lulie Parker - Copyright 2003-201- Genesis 41:1 to 44:17 - Zechariah 2:10 to 4:7 - John 6:1-71 Joseph represents those of the House of Israel returning from the Nations. He looked Egyptian or worldly and his brothers (the House of Judah) did not recognize him. Presently, The House of Israel may have the smell of pork, lobster or crab about them and still identify with the Babylonian feasts of Christmas and Easter, but they are gradually shedding their pagan identity and embracing Yahweh’s redemptive Kingdom lifestyle. They will continue to remain hidden in the Nations until Yahweh’s full number of them returns at His appointed time. “Israel [House of Judah] has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles [House of Israel/Yahweh’s people who were captivated by the nations] has come in. And so all Israel [the Whole House of Israel/Jacob] will be saved” (Romans 11:25-26). With the bigger picture unfolding, Joseph was now given clearer understanding to the purpose of his involvement and role in preserving the land of Egypt - to set his family free from their own heart imprisonment. He was sent on ahead of his brothers to prepare the way for his family. Joseph’s whole life became a recount of prophecy. Today we believers living among the Nations are a representation of Joseph. The Spirit of the Holy One /Ruach HaKodesh is preparing the way for Joseph’s family, all twelve tribes of the whole house of Jacob to return, and like Joseph, Yahweh has given us the keys to His Kingdom through the Gospel, to unlock the task that He has prepared for us to do. If we can have faith in His faithfulness over us in the small areas of our lives, He can raise us up for a much greater work to come; the redemption of the Whole House of Israel (John 8:39-40). Mark 4:24-25 “Then He said to them, ‘Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given. For whoever has, to him more will be given; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.’” The Test of the Heart Under the direction of Yahweh, Joseph started to probe his brother’s hearts, portraying himself as a harsh man in order to watch their response to the demands placed upon them. It appears Joseph’s brothers did not have life-sustaining food in their houses as only the Tree of Life produces fruit with life sustaining seed in it. Instead they came to Joseph and said to him, “We came to buy food” revealing that the tree (lifestyle) they preferred diminished life. They saw that Joseph possessed the grain that would sustain them. What the brothers did not understand yet was that they were coming to Egypt to buy the bread of life, the bread of redemption. In this present Messianic Age/end times, the brothers will again see Joseph as a stranger and try to buy bread from him. Today, it is also Joseph who provides the bread that gives life, Yeshua. Joseph will be revealed to his brothers (John 6:35). Even though Judah was given the Gospel through Abraham to preserve, many used it as head knowledge and gained no life-sustaining qualities from it. Most of Judah has yet to recognize Yeshua, the author and embodiment of the Gospel, as their Messiah. They continue to look at Torah as a religion of laws and instructions while disregarding the One who gives everlasting Life to the Word. Only the Messiah IN the Torah has the ability to sustain life. He is this life giving food called Manna (the Tree of Life). If people do not eat from this Tree they will seek another source and it will be the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which only produces death. We are told not to touch this tree or we will die. Until they (and we) seek the Messiah IN the Torah, they will search for more knowledge believing that it will sustain their lives (Genesis 2:17; Galatians 3:8). In the perspective of the biblical narrative of Joseph and his brothers, it was Joseph who was in the wilderness and while there, he searched diligently for the HEART of Torah, the Messiah. Only when Yahweh had circumcised Joseph’s heart did Torah become a life-giving source to him (heavenly realm/Olam Haba). He treasured this life in his heart.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 01:55:48 +0000

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