POSITIVE THESE DECEITFUL ZIONIST GYPSY JEWS WERE SETTING UP OUR GENERALS WE WOULD HAVE BEEN SO FAR AHEAD SPREADING PEACE AND DEMOCRACY IN THIS REGION, WITH FRIENDS LIKE ISRAEL WHO NEEDS ENEMIES Petraeus’ report to the Senate Armed Services Committee was groundbreaking, a fact that was recognized at the time. It came after a team of staff officers conducted a series of off-the-record meetings with Arab allies in the Middle East in December 2009. All America’s friends emphasized that it had become increasingly difficult to generate popular support for US policies in light of the Israeli repression of the Palestinians. The responses were so alarming that Petraeus arranged a briefing for Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a month later. Mullen also was shocked by the depth of the antipathy towards the United States caused by Israeli policies and the report to the Senate was the result. It is important to go back to the original statement to the Senate that started the furor about Petraeus’ views. Do not for a second think that the assessment of Israel and Palestine was something that made it into the 56 page Central Command posture statement by accident or because Petraeus did not notice it. The report was prepared by Petraeus’ staff and it is absolutely certain that he read every line of it and endorsed it before he appeared before the Senate committee. The report’s full title is “Statement of General David H. Petraeus, US Army Commander, US Central Command before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the Posture of US Central Command, 16 Mar 2010.” This is what it says: The enduring hostilities between Israel and some of its neighbors present distinct challenges to our ability to advance our interests… Israeli-Palestinian tensions often flare into violence and large scale armed confrontations. The conflict foments anti-American sentiments, due to perception of US favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of US partnerships with governments and peoples in the region and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world. Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support. Though carefully expressed, there is no ambiguity to the statement and no doubt that it represents General Petraeus’ thinking. It means what it says, basically that Israel’s behavior weakens Arab regimes friendly to the US, makes it impossible to develop popular support for Washington’s programs, and strengthens terrorism. The result is that American soldiers and diplomats in the Middle East and Central Asia are threatened by irresponsible and unsustainable Israeli policies. AND WHO IS THE RING LEADER OF THE SENATE ARMED SERVICES COMMITTEE ? ————— ZIONIST ——— DEMOCRAT SENATOR DIANNE ( she is starting to smarten up ) FEINSTEIN AND HER HUSBAND RICHARD BLUM THE BANK AND PROFITEERS OF WAR , DEATH AND DESTRUCTION ( POSITIVE THIS WICKED WITCH WAS SUPPRESSING INTELLIGENCE REPORTS.) GOOGLE THEIR CONNECTION ALSO TO CHINA………. WHAT DOES THIS COMMITTEE DO , BUT BELITTLE OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN . AFTER THAT STUNT OF TEARING DOWN CHUCK HAGEL IN FRONT OF THE WORLD ,( ZIONIST CONTROLLED - CNN / CABLE NAZI NAZI NETWORKS ) WHO THE HELL WOULD WANT TO SERVE THEIR COUNTRY , EVEN ADMIRAL MIKE MULLEN TURNED DOWN SERVING THIS COUNTY ANY FURTHER THAN BEING PUT IN FRONT OF THESE PACK OF HYENAS . WHEN ONE OF OUR MOST DECORATED ( I SUPPOSE THESE METALS HE HAS EARNED ARE FOR DECORATION PURPOSES ) GENERALS / PETRAEUS IS EXPRESSING HIS VIEWS AND ASSESSMENT FOR THE GOOD OF OUR COUNTRY THEY DECIDED IT WAS NOT CREDIBLE BECAUSE THEIR ALLEGIANCE WAS WITH ISRAEL . WE MAY AS WELL BE CALLED THE UNITED STATES OF ISRAEL. WE SHOULD ALL BE ASHAMED OF THERE CONDUCT . NOTHING BUT A TOTAL LACK OF RESPECT. american-integrity.org
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 08:06:48 +0000

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