POSITIVE VS NEGATIVE Over the past 5 years or so I have read - TopicsExpress


POSITIVE VS NEGATIVE Over the past 5 years or so I have read many, many posts and comments about people being negative, judgmental, glass half full, harsh or legalistic. Every Christian has read the prophets, who wrote whole books which are pretty negative by our standards. Isaiah did not switch to a positive theme until the 40th chapter. The Apostles and Jesus said a lot of things to people which would be deemed negative in todays Christian community, and we even have preachers who publicly state it is NOT their ministry to preach or teach on the negative parts of the Bible, only the more uplifting and positive aspects. We have been fed a diet of this positive Christianity for so long that anything else seems extremely harsh. I am left with the question....IS THERE ANYTHING IN THE BIBLE THAT IS NEGATIVE? We all seem to agree that Jesus IS the Word. Which parts of Jesus is negative? The Bible was written by God, about God, and it is essentially an autobiography, so which parts of God are negative? When people who have the ministry and calling to blow the trumpet and constantly warn of heresy, error, doctrines of devils, and damaging leaders based solely on Scripture, are they being negative? Jesus said He came to divide, not unite. Yes, the true church who are on the narrow road, going through the narrow gate will be, and likely already are united, but that group will never be united with the masses. The Bible clarifies many, many aspects and conditions that should separate us and distinguish us from the rest. So, once again, what are the negative aspects and what are the positive aspects of the Word and God?
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 10:03:16 +0000

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