POST FOR BIOLOGY: There is much debate over, and people on both - TopicsExpress


POST FOR BIOLOGY: There is much debate over, and people on both sides of the coin are very passionate about, their opinions as to whether or not vaccines cause the increase of cases of autism. There are many celebrities that will tell you not to vaccinate your children for they, or someone they know has had a child contract this condition after receiving vaccinations. The general public, in their love of pop culture , have a tendency to believe these people for they are in the public eye and therefore seen as more knowledgeable and trustworthy than the average man on the street. discovermagazine/2009/jun/06-why-does-vaccine-autism-controversy-live-on/#.UwPd4HkyGD notes, The idea that there is something wrong with our vaccines—that they have poisoned a generation of kids, driving an “epidemic” of autism—continues to be everywhere: on cable news, in celebrity magazines, on blogs, and in health news stories. It has had a particularly strong life on the Internet, including the heavily trafficked Huffington Post, and in pop culture, where it is supported by actors including Charlie Sheen and Jim Carrey, former Playboy playmate Jenny McCarthy, and numerous others. Despite repeated rejection by the scientific community, it has spawned a movement, led to thousands of legal claims, and even triggered occasional harassment and threats against scientists whose research appears to discredit it. The problem with believing whatever you hear about via the television or internet is that , at best, these assumptions and facts are anecdotal and based on only one or a few unrelated occurrences, or , at worst, pseudoscience and just based on myths, superstition , or gossip, with no facts behind them. The people at the Centers for Disease Control have assured us that there have been many tests which prove that the link between vaccinations and autism is non-existent, but people love to get their medical advice from their Timelines on Facebook or the celebrities in their favorite television shows , as opposed to take the time to read articles or watch media where people with true scientific backgrounds talk about mundane things like replicative studies. People love to be able to have something to point the finger at to explain why things happen and will often take the word of someone just looking to get into the limelight once again or someone who has some type of magical solution to sell us while lining their pockets. I believe the word of scientists over the words of the uninformed. Resources :
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 05:32:39 +0000

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