POSTBAG OFFENSIVE GRAFFITI Editor, Quite a lot has been said - TopicsExpress


POSTBAG OFFENSIVE GRAFFITI Editor, Quite a lot has been said and written about the unsightly posters and flyers around town. It just surprises one that these pieces of paper and clothing material have been with us for such a long time and it is only now that someone at the council has realised that they are a public nuisance. Another surprising thing is that the way the Lusaka City Council went about removing these posters and flyers was as if they did not know who was responsible for them. The contact numbers of the originators are always clearly indicated. Therefore, it should be easy to pay these people visits. During such visits, the officers would get to understand what sort of people they are dealing with, where they are operating from and under what conditions. Issues of licensing would also arise as business is conducted on those premises. I am sure they would also find out that the majority of these so-called doctors are foreigners which would be of interest to the Immigration Department. It is because of our laissez faire attitude that dubious foreign medicine men and women from as far as West Africa have found sanctuary in Zambia, violating our traditions and norms. Let us be strict when dealing with these people before they do a lot of harm to our peaceful society. Concerned Citizen
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 10:19:35 +0000

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