POSTBAG VIOLENCE, THEFT Editor, The levels of violence and - TopicsExpress


POSTBAG VIOLENCE, THEFT Editor, The levels of violence and theft against innocent citizens in urban areas such as Lusaka appear to be on the increase. The police and security agencies should scale up their efforts to stop this nonsense before ordinary people start arming themselves in self-defence. Recently, I learned of a case in which a Chinese couple - who happen to be my very good friends - were attacked by thieves at night. These good-for-nothing criminals who wielded pangas and knives assaulted, raped and left the wife for dead. This family - which had sacrificed so much to create a viable business. - came to Zambia with a dream of improving their lives and giving work to the locals. Yet in a space of a few minutes, the couple’s lives were shattered by a bunch of thugs who don’t understand what it takes to sacrifice one’s life and set up a business. All they wanted was quick money and some valuables they had not earned the right to possess. As for my friends, this trauma has sunk so deep in their hearts that I am afraid for their business and their marriage. I do not know how they will be able to put this tragedy behind them. The attack was senseless and absolutely unforgivable. As for the police and other security agencies, I implore them to start acting and stop making excuses. Your job is to keep the peace and order so that all citizens can live in an environment that is free from fear, violence and harm. How do we expect investors to stay if they were targeted by criminals and other good-for-nothing elements? It is also important that the country and the justice system continue to uphold the death penalty so that such offences are dealt with as the law prescribes. M. Katulwende
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 11:21:02 +0000

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