POSTED: October 28, 2013 STEREOTYPEUS, and Neighborhood - TopicsExpress


POSTED: October 28, 2013 STEREOTYPEUS, and Neighborhood Empowerment working Success, N.E.W.S., LLC Presented “COMMUNITY YOUTH DAY AT HOPKINS HOUSING APARTMENTS” Washington, DC THERE WERE 23 MEN, WOMEN, AND YOUTH RESIDENTS WHO RECEIVED A CLEAN WINTER COAT, MOST OF THEM WERE NEW HOSTED BY: Abena Disroe Peace and Blessings to ALL, who Educate, Inspire, Motivate, Encourage, Protect, and gave positive feedback, and images to the youth on this very special day of celebration of themselves. THEY NEED IT! In this fast pace world of today the youth need to be reminded to slow down to think, to meditate upon thoughts of mental, spiritual, physical, and emotional elements of well being that will keep them grounded. The strength that comes from basic core things like: Family, Communication without texting, Prayer, Mentors (those who are doing just what they dream of doing). With these thoughts upon their minds they will realize the REAL Importance of networking, and pulling resources together for their future endeavors. I have been living in the Washington, DC area for over 20 years. For over 25 years I have been focusing on the Youth with Leadership Development, Conflict Resolution, and their families with Asset Mapping. I was working at Johns Hopkins University at the School of Advanced and International Studies (S.A.I.S) building communities from within. As the Program Assistant I was dedicated to developing people as leaders in their communities and, for the eight (8) years before that program ended, I was responsible for nine (9) Washington, DC communities in assisting them on how to identify and use local assets-from-next-door neighbors and community groups to churches and local businesses-to develop strategic plans to improve conditions in their communities. WHY! That answer is simple; it gives me joy to watch a youth after the tools are given to him/her in an effort to empower themselves. Watch as you begin to see them feel good/better about themselves. This provides you the great opportunity to help them build greater confidence in themselves. When that happens a wonderful seed has been planted, and it is so beautiful to watch that seed root, and grow. The real challenge is to be consistent in what you are doing, the youth need our trust, to believe that we are there for the long run (because many have been abandoned by absent fathers, and mothers, and…..this is exactly why once I start a movement “Nothing will stop me from”making sure that the youth is more firm in his/her resilience to say NO to peer pressure, bullying, and just saying noto taking part in wrong doings (just because a best friend) is doing it. I become very excited when others get on board with the same mission, and vision. To empower the youth, and the community in which they live. On October 26, 2013 Neighborhood Empowerment Working Success (N.E.W.S.) llc, in partnership with STEREOTYPE US worked very hard to give the youth at Hopkins Apartments their very own Community Youth Day, which was held on the playground. This is the 1st COMMUNITY YOUTH DAY CELEBRATION, and will become an annual event. It was a wonderful blessing, and surprise when our own Ward 6 Councilman Tommy Wells showed up to say hello, and to communicate to us how pleased he was of what we were doing here in the community. This was a Resident Driven event in which we reached out to the surrounding neighborhood, as to engage the community in this positive fruitful venture “to Empower the Youth”. In this effort “The Word of God Baptist Church” just 2 blocks away~ donated three (3) tables, and a few chairs which were needed so the elderly who attended would have comfortable seating. The day consisted of a community clean-up, grilling of hotdogs, hamburgers, and tossing salad, with plenty of food, and drinks for ALL (there was even food, and drinks left over.) Also there was live music with African drummers, and also a DJ playing great music for the youth, and their parents. To top it all off ,there was a youth poetry contest with 6 participants: 1st place winner received a $30 gift card, 2nd place winner received a $25 gift certificate, and 3rd place winner received a $15 gift certificate, of course ALL the participants received a Certificate with their name on it signed by STEREOTYPE US, and N.E.W.S.. WOW! Were they happy, and surprised? There were 23 persons who received a winter coat, with coats left over for the next coat drive. We also had a guest performer poet/rapper called Jeremiah. There was a Hopkins parent who had two (2) youth who participated in the poetry contest. After watching her children, she also came to the outdoor stage to recite a poem that she wrote herself…which was very good. There is a lot of talent in Public Housing, many diamonds in the ruff. The only thing missing is for the residents to have the opportunities to shine with people who really care about building strong foundations within the family structure. That means building more consistent programs within a family like environment that reinforces sharing, and caring…coming together to celebrate whatever they are willing to offer. You will see diamonds in the ruff surfacing with a shine that you never thought existed, because of the public housing stigma’s that just seem to not go way. Stereotype US; I don’t think so…especially if you had been at the 1st Annual Hopkins Apartments Youth Community Day Celebration. The event took place from 2:00pm - 5:00pm. During the Poetry contest many of the parents were present, and sat to cheer their children on to victory. In closing there was a group effort of the youth along with their parents cleaning up the entire playground. That was a beautiful sight to behold. A sight that if provided more consistently to the residents, you will see the seeds of (building) unity amongst the residents. There were no fights, no harsh words, everything was so peaceful, as everyone worked together in unison with purpose, and that was to share, and enjoy the celebration. No one in their right mind would stop such a positive effort of CHANGE in the minds, and hearts of the youth…..Ready for change, I am. Won’t you join me! Author: Abena Disroe/ Founder Neighborhood Empowerment Working Success, LLC neighborhoodempowerment.weebly STEREOTYPEUS PLEASE SEE A VIDEO OF A SMALL SNIPPET OF THE The 1st Annual Community Youth Day EVENT. Enjoy the Beauty of it, as it unfolds. To see, and feel the REAL POSITIVE IMPACT of the entire day....WELL! You had to be there. If you were not, THEN you missed it..... youtube/watch?v=vF6EOs0nuBU& Respectfully, Community, Pride, Hope, Faith, Work, Unity
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:57:57 +0000

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