POSTED TODAY TO MAYOR DE BLASIOS FACEBOOK PAGE: Your new office is as understated as you, but I wouldnt get too comfortable in it unless you do more than attend kindergarten classes and sip tea. Its only June 2nd and 12 dogs are already corpses sitting in plastic trash bags awaiting their new homes at a city-contracted crematorium. Come to think of it, black trash bags containing dead dogs and cats would complement your new office. Black and grey go well together. While you smirk your way through every photo-op, people are disliking you more and more, but then, who can like a man that makes promises to lure voters and then doesnt keep them? Being NYC Mayor isnt an opportunity to avail yourself of playtime, Mayor de Blasio, nor is it a license to free friends from jail, go speeding down NYC streets or make fools of the people that voted for you. Youve been in office for going on 7 months and so far the only thing you accomplished was to attend pre-school classes. If I had done my job like that Id have been begging on NYC sidewalks. Procrastination is not an art, Mr. Mayor. Some people think its anal-retentiveness and let me tell you, it can be terminal. Stop the slaughters of homeless animals in NYC because when they happen during an Adoptions Event and 9 dogs are executed while the event is going on, its a sure sign that nobody in NYC government is paying attention. Is this the transparent administration you spoke about when you coveted the Mayors chair and are you the accessible Mayor willing to help the disenfranchized half of the population you acknowledged or are you an actual character out of Dickens Tale of Two Cities, because so far, no one can actually define you. Show some character, Mayor de Blasio, and aspire to be more than a man that makes promises he doesnt keep. Thats what good character actually is. You are standing on a mountain of corpses and its even taller than you are. You stay silent while a shelter administrator makes you look impotent, and people wonder if the Invisible, Silent Man is occupying Gracie Mansion. Please reform NYC shelters before people worldwide start referring to NYC as Murder Incorporated. Like · Reply · 12 minutes ago · Edited
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 06:21:16 +0000

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