POSTERITY MEASURES I was speaking with one of my friend on the - TopicsExpress


POSTERITY MEASURES I was speaking with one of my friend on the Blackberry Messenger sometime last week and she lamented on an accident she witnessed. The ill-fated incident involved a kid and speeding vehicle. What got me pissed on the story was that the ward died in the accident. What happened? the child attends this primary school which is opposite her vicinity. That means she had to cross the coal-tared road everyday to be in school. Most times there are road guards that control traffic so these kids could use the Zebra Crossing but on that occasion the dudes seemed to have left their duty post. She has been doing this for almost a year till the day she had the accident. Let me begin by saying that the kids we have now are the essential tools for our posterity initiatives. They may not look like what we anticipate them to be, may be due to their status, but the truth is that lying in that child is a seed that could generate a huge forest. I almost shed tears when I heard the story of Clearance Peters. Many of you know the story but let us share it anyway. His mother, Clarion Chukwura Abiola conceived him from Shina Peters who gave little or no concern about the child. She was counseled several times to abandon the kid but she held on because she saw what others couldnt see. Now Clearance Peters is a dude I could call THE LORD OF THE MUSIC VIDEO MAKING in Nigeria. Almost 60% of the music videos done today in Nigeria and beyond are made by him. A man someone could have addressed onetime a bastard. In your case, you may be legally married...Glory be to God! As the kids start coming make adequate plans to help them have wonderful times growing. Please! Dont make babies you know you would not cater for as they grow up. Dont make the life of the child miserable. That is worse than being an infidel. If you dont have a car yet, make arrangement for a cab man that would take them to school and bring them back. It doesnt cost much. There is nothing you do for your child you would call too much. The cost of training children increases by the day so make your plans to adjust to it. Dont send them to schools that are below standard. Send them to a place where they would be nurtured for the best. Take them on excursions and trips. Expose them to the facilities en vogue. Help them develope their minds. As you make your money have an account where you drop cash for them. YESSSSS! I said so. This will help them have something to start with when they come of age. Pray for them and speak good words on them. Dont call your child a name you wouldnt have someone else call him or her. Words are powerful. If you dont want an idiot in a child dont call him one when he does something wrong. The way you could have called him an idiot is the same way you could have called him excellent. Calling them idiot or stupid doesnt show the degree of your parenthood, it shows your ignorance in parenthood. What really show your ideal parenting is not that you scolded and beat them mercilessly when they were wrong both in private or in public, (I never said they are wrong) what really depicts ideal parenting is the sincerity exhibited to everything that concerns the posterity measures of the kids.selah
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:13:07 +0000

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