POT CALLING KETTLE BLACK: THE PHARISEESM OF THE NIGERIAN POLITICAL ELITE- by Eze Anyanwu How shameful to notice that our politicians are a selfish and shameless bunch who only cry fowl when the table is turned against them...i refuse to forget the origin of this G7 governors assembly: Their rebellion was not triggered by a desire to fight corruption.No.It all began with their parochial agitation for power to return to the North to this end, any other agenda is a distraction and deception. For me, they all are products of a corrupt system and if any of them thinks otherwise let him set the battle against graft and vice rolling by first submitting himself for an ICPC and EFCC scrutiny. Nigerians be not decieved, all these political elites are the same. Check-out their political background they are all products and beneficiaries of the military mentality and are principally PDP by DNA. A close study will reveal to you that their political ideology is the same across board from APGA to APC to PDP NA THE SAME PEOPLE. Anti-masses, selfish, tyrannical and sectional through and through! In Lagos state Tinubu foisted her daughter on the states Market women Association as the president of the group to take over after the demise of their mother. In 2007 some AD primaries candidates were also prevailed upon to step down for others just like is done in the PDP. In APC the 2015 presidential slot has pre priori been zoned to the North as it is the style of PDP.Recently, ACN had an all most 100% landslide victory in Edo state LGA elections the opposition did not even win a single chancellor seat:a typical PDP winner takes all set-up if you ask me. Just a few weeks ago the Ondo state government unabashedly announced the appointment of a litany of children of traditional rulers as commissioners. In Imo state the governor had continually flaunted court orders directing him to hold LGA elections and had rebelled against his party just for his own selfish ambitions without giving a hoot about the feelings of his people, his people- not quiet different from what the G7 governors are doing now in PDP.Ofcourse needless to mention the unfolding drama in the APGA controlled Anambra where the party in power is muscling its way to perpetuation in office just like the PDP would have done! You may have also noticed that the language of their criticm is the same across board they all use derogatory and abusive languages against their political opponents without giving recourse to the implications of such pull him down criticms to national unity and security.They are all guilty of attacking personalities and not issues from Agbati to El-rufai they play the same game of war of words on perceived political enemies instead of institutions. Opposition in Nigerian politics is all about the self when a man is not in power, then to him everything the man in power does is nothing but cabbage. My submission from all these political abragatabra is that they are all the same- unpatriotic at heart, hypocritical in deeds, power drunk to a fault and they dont give a rat ass about the common man. But in all these one man seems to be a lilly in the valley, at least so far, and that man is Fashola he appears different; for one i have not heard him insult any of his detractors at least not in his public speeches neither does he claim to be the messiah that is come....any way that is a topic for another day. My people be wise all i wonna say is THEY NO SEND YOU.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 09:40:49 +0000

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