POWER AND MONEY In any Nation where the leaders exercise moderate - TopicsExpress


POWER AND MONEY In any Nation where the leaders exercise moderate control, guidance, on their power and money and with God’s intervention such a Nation wills flourish, will be peaceful and will have healthy citizens. However, where there is greed, of money there is assertive of power, corruption, insecurity and the citizens are not healthy, because wealth and power is concentrated in a few group. Since I was in Primary School and now I am a grandfather I have known leaders in our country who were still in leadership. They are struggling for power with their grandchildren. Although we know success is a continuous process and has no end, but it comes a time when one should go slow and give space to others to lead. It is also strange that I have known leaders for generations they have been “Negative Thinkers” in that unless something is done or comes from them it is negative that is not the leadership or democracy that we need in our country, That is selfish and self centered leadership and cannot bring development in the country. Many grabbers of wealth are always of the opinion that by amassing wealth for their families is an achievement far from it. If you are a Billionaire surrounded by beggars you have also been reduced to the same level. In the past few months we have many groups agitating for higher and handsome salaries from the Governments at the same time we are opposed to tax increases. There is a concept known as matching cost you cannot increase expenditure without an increase in the Revenue. I am not for the high tax regime but for the expansion of tax to involve more people than we are doing at the present. The Government should make sure that they do not spend more than 50% out of the tax receipts as salaries otherwise there will never be any development, improvement in our education and health systems and again never borrow money to pay salaries unless it is a temporarily measure. The donation we receive from our donors is usually part of the tax of the donors country. In this context all the taxes by way of withholding Tax, Vat, P.A.Y.E paid by the Research Institution should be ploughed back in the same Institutions to fund our local Researchers who have no funds. A special vehicle should be maintained in Treasury for control purposes such monies were given to us for special purposes and not for paying Tax. The Teachers who are on strike should seat down with the Government and negotiate for new Terms. They should be given something but not what they are asking at the same time we know most of them are Christians and the Bible and even Koran advocate for people not to eat if they have not worked. They should not be paid for the days they were on strike otherwise how would they justify the pay. There should be penalties where more than 40% of the children get below C grade in ‘O’ Level or more than 70% do go to Government school for standard VIII students. They should surrender one month salary. That is all the teachers in that particular school, and that way they will justify their salary. Teachers should not be allowed to be loitering in bars drunk as they are giving bad examples to our children no smoking should be allowed in schools by teachers Remember Abraham Lincoln said “A child is person who is going to carry on what you have started. He is going to sit where you are sitting, and when you are gone, attend to those things which you think are important. You may adopt all the policies you please, but how they are carried out depends on him. He will assume control of your cities, states and nations. He is going to move in and take over your churches, schools, universities and corporations. All your books are going to be judged, praised, or condemned by him. The fate of humanity is in his hands.” The World has become a global village. Children in other counties have embrassed technology therefore those who are opposed to laptops are prophets of doom. It is clear that the teachers are not on strike for money but to oppose the laptop project for the past 50years we have not involved politics in our Education and Health, and it should remain so. It should also be mandatory for teachers from Nursery school to the Universities to be computer literate. Today illiterate people are not those who cannot read and write but those who have no new ideas or innovation. In my earlier write up I had proposed the start of computer labs in all the primary school. The School computer labs to be used for training the Youthful in mind to be computer literate as a map to creating employment in all the 47 Counties. I am happy that the ideas are in the incubation as reported in the media. Our children will inherit good and bad habits from the teachers. What do you think will be the attitude of school going children who have seen their teachers dancing in the streets, and shown in all the media. Thank to you Mr. President for you have set a good example by being very humble pleaded with teachers. Our President deserves respect, do unto others what you want others do unto you. Teachers are mightily respected people they should also respect those above them and the Law of the Land. The writer is aware that we are what we are because of the teacher’s contributions, you taught us to respect, to be humble and you told us pride goes before a fall; we know majority of the striking teachers are parent or aspiring to be parents while others have grown up children. It is my opinion that most of the Union leaders have no children in school but you could be having grand children therefore do not mislead the youthful, accept what is at hand then continue negotiating for more and I am sure you will reach your target with time. If you cannot respect the President respect the “Flag of Kenya” which represent more than 40million people you included. Forgive me if am harsh but am sympathising with the Youthful parents and their young children. Henzlon K.Waithaka
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 11:29:36 +0000

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