POWER OF A MUSLIMAH Remember the story of Hajar(a.s) when Ibraheem - TopicsExpress


POWER OF A MUSLIMAH Remember the story of Hajar(a.s) when Ibraheem (a.s) left her and her little baby Ismail (a.s) in the deserts of Arabia . Did you know that he didn’t even inform her of this journey? It was only when he left them and was walking away that she ran behind him, questioning him frantically that how could he leave them all alone in a place where there is no food, no water, no shelter, NOTHING. Ibraheem(a.s) didn’t say a word because he feared that his heart would give in and he wouldn’t be able to fulfill Allah’s command, so he remained silent. She continued asking him, until she realized something profound, with her piety and knowledge of Allah she stopped and asked her husband: Did Allah command you to do this? Ibraheem(a.s) answered back with just one word, “Yes”. At this point she calmed herself down and said : “Then Allah will not leave us or let us go” SubhanAllah, how did she have the courage to live ALL ALONE in a barren land with a new born baby? What made her so powerful? Her beauty? Her money? Her lineage? Her race? Her color? Her position as the wife of a Prophet? Verily it was none except for her strong relationship with Allah. It was her ultimate reliance on her Creator and not His creation that made the ground shake and cause a fountain of water to emerge from beneath the dry desert land. She was honored by Allah with the water of “Zam Zam” which was a result of her strong will and devotion. It was not any ordinary water, it was the source of life that made Makkah what it is today; a land of blessings, an abode of salvation and strength. Billions of Muslims visit this holy land till this day to fulfill the legacy of a woman and her husband who lived and died solely for their Lord. What do we yearn for today, to be honored by a man, the media, the fashion magazines or to be honored by Allah? She chose Allah and Allah chose her to be a beacon of power and courage for both men and women. What will you choose? #MuslimahPower
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 09:26:53 +0000

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