POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING 2 October 2013 at 14:04 “ I believe - TopicsExpress


POWER OF POSITIVE THINKING 2 October 2013 at 14:04 “ I believe in myself and say I can , Because I am special, I am a man . NO barriers, no limits can stop me , N o amount of pain , no amount of misery. No failure can stop me, no erring. Because I very well know that I am special.! And so I believe that I will win the battle,Succeed , win and prove mettle.” Positive Thinking- The base upon which your success stands! Had the ant given up in trying and not tried to climb the well because of its repeated unsuccessful attempts in doing so, it would have surely died in the well. Had not the will to free the country been strong in mahatma Gandhi and in our other freedom fighters ,India , the biggest democracy of the world, would still have been under the rule of the British, Had not there been positive thinking , huge battles would not have been won and there would not have been big names like the Tatas, the Birlas and the Ambanis, Had the fear of failure disturbed the great scientists of the time, the world would not have been what it is today. “Man often becomes what be believes himself to be. If I keep saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, It is possible that I may end up by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary ,if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” Truly said these are the works if our own Bapu- Mhatma Gandhi. Positive attitude- let us try and define it at frist. What do you really mean by a positive frame of mind? No, not really. Positive attitude is a mental condition which anticipates happiness , joy, health and favourable results. It does not mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life’s less pleasant situations. It just means that you approach the unpleasantness in a more positive and productive way. Think the best is going to happen, not the worst. The story I am about to tell is but an excellent example of positive thinking and its power, which prevails not just in humans , but in every living species on the planet. Here it goes: The eagle coaxed her offspring to the edge of the nest. Her heart quivered with conflicting emotions as she felt their resistance to her persistent nudging, “why does the thrill of soaring high into the air have to begin with the fear of falling? , she thought. As her nest was located high in the shelf of a sheer rock face, below there was nothing but air to support wings of each eaglet. Despite her fear, the eagle knew it was time. Her parental responsibility was almost complete. There remained only one final task, the push , to make the eagles to learn to fly. The eagle drew courage from an innate wisdom and had a positive outlook. She knew that until the eaglets learn how to soar into the air, they would fail to understand the privilege that what it was to be born as an eagle. The push was the greatest gift she had to offer to eaglets, and so, one by one she pushed them all, and they started flying,. For the first time , the eaglets discovered the power of their wings. Even in our lives, we inevitably come across such feelings of sublimity , when standing on the threshold we take the fight for the unexplored territories of success. When a calamity strikes you , what can save you from it is your positive attitude, it does not mean that you just think that is for good, stay back doing nothing and think that someone will come and save you . Here , a positive attitude comes in the picture when you look towards the things that you should do , now that the calamity has struck. You have to think of all possible ways to save yourself , and stronger than the calamity itself- your positive thinking and your storng willpower.! And when you gather your spirits and strike back,the calamity has to give tin to your efforts of saving yourself. And even this experience can teach you . it can teach you to more stronger. Epictetus the ancient Greek sage and philosopher , has rightly said, “Nothing truly stops you. Nothing truly holds you back. For your own wil is always within your control. Sickness may challenge your body . But are you merely you body? Lameness may impede your legs. But you are not merely your legs. Your will is bigger than your legs, your will needn’t be affected by an incident unless yo let it.” The dark , dreary jungles of time lie silent and still filled with generations of people- stagment caught in eternal stuggles to avoid the throes of chaos. However in the midst of the dismal and profound gloom, a single flower blooms- fresh, vibrant petals as they unfurl ,fanning their russet robes…to express the nectar In their centres. A starburst of royal blue fills the flowers throat diffusing into the crimson corolla ,l like the vestiges of day into night. The blossom symbolises that amidst hardship and the toughest of situation . so, failure in life too should be seen as a challenge for our own selves. A challenge has to be taken up and has to be met. Giving up is not the fight option , but competing against failure will take you higher. Learn to get up, every time you fall and get up with your spirits set high , and challenging your own capabilities . when if I fail? What if I cannot do it? What if I disappoint myself? What if the society disapproves of me? Arise, you are dragging, yourself into the marsh of negativity and hence its repercussions follow , making you weaker and lowering your confidence into the ebb of the sea. Replacing these “what ifs’ with “why not’ and punging into action irrespective of what the consequences be ,is what the real man would do. Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding . hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade. Your mind will seek to develop the picture . do not bulid up obstacles In your imagination. With a positive outlook , we experience a pleasant feeling and we can visualize the results we want to achieve. This brings brightness to the eyes, and more energy and happiness to the body and the mind. The whole being of oneself reflects goodwill and happiness, and even our health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall, our voice becomes more powerful and overall to our body language shows the way we feel- more confidint , energetic and lively.With positive thinking we can change the course of negativity because thinking leads to positive actions and positive actions will ultimately to good results. So, let us welcome each morning with a smile and look on the new day as another special gift from the creator. Another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday and to begin afresh today, be a self-starter.Let the first hour set the theme of success and positive action, that is certain to echo through your nice day. Today , will never starting at all. You were not born to fail. Let your smartness , enthusiasm and consciousness ubiquitously permeate through your being and give you the indomitable spirit to explore new horizons, to break free from the old shackles and to tread towards new paths. Be unafraid and fearless of any obstacle and do not be cowed down under the burden of age and tradition. Brimming with enthusiasm and empowered with the light of knowledge, you truly prove that impossible is nothing when you harness the power of POSITIVE THINKING. "So forget all anxiety, quit all fear, Come on, stand, for you are still alive.. Don’t drop them on the challenges you thrive. Infinite potential you have got within you, all you have to do is refresh, rethink and renew". You can of course touch the limit of the sky, but for that you will have to rise! Imagination files, without having wings, the winner rules, without being worker, to turn the fortune in your favour. Arise , awake, adieu to the dark, new opportunities welcome you with the lark, so what are you thinking, come let’s go, let’s mount the unicorn to touch the rainbow. The youth is winged , so come let’s fly, to reach the endless, end of the sky,,,,,,,,!!!! Like
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 05:08:21 +0000

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