POWER STRIPS proven can help repair damage nerves and stabilized - TopicsExpress


POWER STRIPS proven can help repair damage nerves and stabilized Vital conditions in a Stroke Patient THESE ARE THE MANAGEMENT OF STROKE 1. Acupuncture is a form of therapy whose goal is to balance the flow of the internal energy of the body. It relies on the insertion and manipulation of very fine needles into points on the body that have been mapped out for thousands of years. These points are organized on meridians or energy channels that correspond to what the Chinese refer to as internal organ systems. The results of the meta-analysis are telling evidence that acupuncture improves ADLs, such as self-care and walking. The patients we see in our clinics report that it improves the quality of life and mood, and their overall emotional well-being. They also report improved use of impaired limbs, speech, swallowing and other functions that are often impaired following stroke, but as I mentioned earlier, these observations are not always observed in controlled clinical trials. There are some positive studies, but there are others that contradict them. In our study there seems to be improvement of motor function, but it’s a pilot study. Equally important, acupuncture is very safe. In summary, I would not hesitate to recommend acupuncture to a friend or family member recovering from a stroke. 2. Measures will be taken to stabilize your vital signs, including giving you medicines. If your stroke is diagnosed soon enough after the start of symptoms, you may be given a clot-dissolving medicine called tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), which can increase your chances of recovery. You may also receive aspirin or another antiplatelet medicine. IN SOME CASES, THE CLOT CAUSING THE SYMPTOMS IS REMOVED WITH A MEDICAL DEVICE (rather than dissolved with medicines). 3. Treatment includes efforts to control bleeding, reduce pressure in the brain, and stabilize vital signs, especially blood pressure. You will be closely monitored for signs of increased pressure on the brain. These signs include restlessness, confusion, trouble following commands, and headache. Other measures will be taken to keep you from straining from excessive coughing, vomiting, or lifting, or straining to pass stool or change position. If the bleeding is due to a ruptured brain aneurysm, surgery to repair the aneurysm may be done. In some cases, medicines may be given to control blood pressure, brain swelling, blood sugar levels, fever, and seizures. If a large amount of bleeding has occurred and symptoms are quickly getting worse, you may need surgery to remove the blood that has built up inside the brain and to lower pressure inside the head. PREVENTING ANOTHER STROKE Your treatment will also focus on preventing another stroke. This may include: Reducing high blood pressure, the most common risk factor for stroke, by making changes to your diet and taking medicines that lower blood pressure. Taking aspirin or another antiplatelet medicine to prevent strokes. Controlling diabetes. Your doctor will advise you to try to keep your blood sugar levels in a target range. To do this, you may need to take oral medicines or insulin. A healthy diet and plenty of exercise will also help. Getting a flu shot every year to help you avoid getting sick from the flu. You may also need to make lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, eating heart-healthy foods, and being more active. POWER STRIPS IS CONSIDERED A MEDICAL DEVICE, @ FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION IN THE UNITES STATES... POWER STRIPS ARE AVAILABLE IN MIDDLEAST COUNTRIES, EUROPE & ASIA thru JuanREWARDS COOPERATIVE... we can shipped door to door delivery services...
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 08:46:20 +0000

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