POWER TOOLS FOR CREATING YOUR EMPOWERMENT THIS IS JUST PART OF WHAT YOU SHOULD BE EXPECTING ON THE 25TH OF JANUARY 2015 AT THE LAGOS KNOWLEDGE EXPO 2015 JANUARY 25TH 2015 IS A DAY SET ASIDE FOR THE DYNAMIC YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SEMINAR. At the DYNAMIC YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SEMINAR on JANUARY 25TH 2015, we shall be treating 2 powerful and life-transforming topics. Right NOW, I want to give you just a tip of the ice bag of one out of the 2 different topics to be treated on that day… Truth be told, without exception, every person on the planet has a power inside them. The process of owning and honoring this personal creative power is what is called empowerment. Empowerment is not something that anyone else can give us; it is a gift we must decide to accept from ourselves. Empowerment is the greatest gift because it is the gift of self responsibility. When we know for certain that we are completely responsible for the reality we create, we can confidently and effectively change it at will. This does not necessarily mean that we are responsible for all of the experiences happening outside of ourselves, but rather our own inner experience. There are many examples of individuals who overcame incredible adversity to achieve their dreams. We have read or heard stories of people who turned their deepest and darkest moments into their greatest opportunities. Sometimes these consistent failures have led to desired success. There are people who have developed a terminal illness and, rather than fear death, chose to live and love life to its fullest. This is empowerment. It is facing that which we cannot control and using our personal power to create something good and wonderful in response. We can all learn to do this! Being empowered is our birthright. The one universal truth is that perspective is everything. How we choose to see any given situation is how we will experience it. We do not see things as they are, but rather we see things as WE are. Where we choose to focus our attention is who we choose to be, and who we choose to be is that which becomes our reality. The opposite of empowerment is not powerlessness…….it is doubt. Personal power over our life is something that always exists. The only way for it not to exist is to believe that it does not, or to doubt it. We get rid of doubt by combating it with certainty: certainty that we are creators, certainty that we can control our mental and emotional responses, certainty that no one can tell us how to perceive something, certainty that we can change our reality if we decide to do so. Now, there are the four “power” tools we have with which to create our empowerment. At the DYNAMIC YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SEMINAR, I will be revealing to you the 4 POWER TOOLS FOR CREATING YOUR EMPOWERMENT. That’s why as a young man or woman, you need to reserve your seat NOW for this much awaited youth empowerment seminar. Because we cannot escape problems living in this world, our power is connected to our ability to handle difficulties and challenges well. The more we develop skills of solving problems, the more we discover our full power. This topic is designed to assist young men and women in becoming self-empowered. No matter how old you are, the more you feel empowered, the better chance you have in creating a world that is nonviolent and filled with happiness and love. When you feel empowered, you create an atmosphere of wondrous joy for yourself and all those surrounding you. Date: January 25th 2015 (1 day – Sunday). Time: 3pm – 7pm Venue: World Established Evangelical Ministry 26 Costain road, Along Badagry Express Way, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria. Please note that this is not a religious program. Registration fee: N1,000 only per participant Payment to be made at the venue on the day of the program; but you must make your seat reservation NOW because the training hall has a limited sitting capacity so registration and admittance into the hall will be strictly on first-come-first-serve basis. So the wisest thing you can do for yourself and your future now is to make your seat reservation NOW! To reserve your seat for the DYNAMIC YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SEMINAR right away, please send the following information to us through our email address (africassn@yahoo): 1. Your full name 2. The city where you are located 3. The country where you are located 4. Your cell phone number 5. Your email address 6. Your gender (Male or Female) 7. The seminar you are reserving your seat for (DYNAMIC YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SEMINAR) 8. Inform us that you have agreed to pay the N1,000 registration fee for the seminar that you are reserving your seat for upon your arrival at the seminar venue on the day of the program. Please send the above listed information to us through our email address (africassn@yahoo) and you will be glad you did. When we receive the information listed above (COMPLETE) from you, we will either call you and or send you additional information through the email address you provided. For details and regular updates, visit (REGULARLY) facebook/LagosSSN Don’t miss out on this great opportunity.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 17:02:28 +0000

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